20 Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious


Kids are cute, and with no intention, steal our hearts with complete innocence. But it’s not always the same. They are also prone to doing some things that are unintentionally inappropriate, but absolutely funny at the same time. They sometimes make hilarious spelling mistakes and turn out to change the entire meaning or sense if what they actually mean to say without even realizing it. And now, it turns out that they give some amazingly hilarious greeting cards that are unintentionally inappropriate.

Read More: 21 Totally Inappropriate Mom and Son Photos

Here, we have enlisted down a few of unintentionally inappropriate greeting cards made by kids!

1.She’ll now make him food hysterically laughing.

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

2.Holy Cow! How do you compare food with your momma?

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

3.We guess her dad will have to love her more than this child does!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

4.What if the corrections were absent?

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

5.Does this make you laugh too? SAVAGE!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

6.If this was brought to us, we will laugh out loud!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

7.This is hilarious but inappropriately rude.

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

8.Let’s hope she doesn’t get a makeover!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

9.A teacher received this from her student, on Valentine’s Day!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

10.When you feel bad, just “GO POOP”!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

11.It must have cut those parents deep! Ouch!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

12.A card as sharp as a bloody knife!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

13.All the bald men out there, hear it!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

14.Now, if she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she’ll surely get one.

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

15.Your son is the new boss.

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

16.Was this the biggest insult? YES!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

17.This child must have got beaten up!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

18.Hope that soldier gets to see his family again! But we care!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

19.Potter head Dad will die of laughter!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

20.The mother is about to be questioned like hell now! Innocence!

Unintentionally Inappropriate Greeting Cards From Kids That Are Just Hilarious

Kids are indeed the sweetest creatures on Earth, but sometimes their innocence leads them to write something as hilarious as we just saw above in the photos. Poor souls have no blame to take.



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