When People Made Fun Of Protesters With Their Own Hilarious Signs


Protesting is not always peaceful and protesters express themselves either peacefully or by shouting out their demands. Be it a candle march or a long walk with a group of people, you will always see generic signs and reactions from people. But when people make fun of their own signs, it’s always hilarious. We know that everyone has freedom of speech and they can say whatever they want to say, and trolling their own signs is one such hilarious example. Protesters are always busy in protesting something or the other and it seems like the necessary changes were required to light up the mood. Here in this article, we have collected images of protesters making fun of their own signs and they are certainly the best trolls. Keep reading to check out the best trolls of the protesters from all over the world. These images below will surely give you a good laugh.

Also read: 15 Of The Most Sarcastic Signs That Will Definitely Crack You Up

18 Times when protesters made fun of their own signs. Let’s take a look!

1. Truth has been spoken

Protesters making fun of their own signs

2. Lol, on point 😀

Protesters making fun of their own signs

3. Honest AF

Protesters making fun of their own signs

4. This should be on high priority

Protesters making fun of their own signs

5. Oh yes, you are

Protesters making fun of their own signs

6. You sure about it?

Protesters making fun of their own signs

7. I knew it

Protesters making fun of their own signs

8. And most honest too

Protesters making fun of their own signs

9. “When you are good at something, never do it for free”

Protesters making fun of their own signs

10. The only sign that makes sense

Protesters making fun of their own signs

11. Yep, your spelling is correct

Protesters making fun of their own signs

12. Because no one gives a damn about the signs

Protesters making fun of their own signs

13. Haha

Protesters making fun of their own signs

14. Lol

Protesters making fun of their own signs

15. Relax, it’s just a joke :p

Protesters making fun of their own signs

16. Yes, there is going to be beer

Protesters making fun of their own signs

17. Be the way you are, lol 

Protesters making fun of their own signs

18. Why so serious

Protesters making fun of their own hilarious signs

If you liked this article of protesters making fun of their own signs, do share it with your friends and family. I’m sure it will give them a good laugh.

Also read: 13 Biggest YouTube Trolls That Are Savage Af!


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