These 12 Hilarious Unfortunate Names Must Have Put The Persons In Real Struggle All Their Life. 


Is it fair to name your son Willie, if your surname is Stroker or to name someone Phatt Ho? No, right? Well, common sense is not something you will find on this list. Their parents really have not thought through while naming their unfortunate children with these hilarious names. These posts are not to hurt anybody’s sentiments. These are to celebrate the positivity of these people and feel happy for them.

1. God played the irony with this guy.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


Mr. Sam Sung should surely not be trusted with Apple devices. It’s hilariously ironic how things turned out with him.

2. It is said personalities depend on names.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


That might not be the case here, as the teacher looks quite sweet. But how unfortunate his life would have been!

3. Living up to his name.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


When someone has such unfortunate name, their life is ought to be drastic and surely sad.

4. One less ‘N’ would have saved him from Internet policing.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


Who would have thought his initial and title could add up to such hilarious conclusion. God save him from all the trolls about to be ignited.

5. Guess what! Each time you call your baby you’ll be reminded to eat your favourite food.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


This is what happens when you love food more than anything else in the world. You want to be tempted by the food’s name not by the baby.

6. You got to be kidding me.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


There could have been any letter in place of D and the parents would have got hundreds of names. But in that unfortunate moment they could only think of D.

7. Some are literally made for their job.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


I don’t really know which place has such titles, but there are ways to change names. Nonetheless, he seems to not have any problem with the existent one.

8. Do you still want to know the ingredients?
These unfortunate names are hilarious


Well, one ingredient is sure among the other names.

9. “I didn’t like my original name so changed it to my favourite animated character’s name.”
These unfortunate names are hilarious


He is the smartest among the lot, though that’s the way how it’s done ‘officially’. But nice try!

10. Have you heard of a name which itself sounds informative before you realise what’s happening?
These unfortunate names are hilarious


He obviously couldn’t have opted for a team’s name, so he cleverly alternated the letters.

11. Who knew his name will turn into such an overused slang!
These unfortunate names are hilarious


Poor he! Though this seems hilarious just remember he will have to live with that.

12. Try to read that quickly.
These unfortunate names are hilarious


Did you get that yet? Hilarious isn’t it? And now you are rolling on the floor laughing. How unfortunate she must have felt growing up!


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