10 Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be


Mount Everest beholds the crown of being the highest of all the mountains. It is vast and large, something all of us are aware of. Now, often we get to see or read how people climbed and conquered the Everest but what actually goes around is something way darker. Hiking and trekking in these mountains are literally not easy. It takes training, guts, strength, willpower and what not. Not everyone can do this, mark my words. And if you someday get all these and go for a hike, you’ll see dead bodies of mountaineers that’ll scare you to death. Bodies of those who died while climbing and never came back.

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Here are some pictures of dead bodies of people who died on spot.

Statutory warning- some of these images may disturb you!

1.Marko Lihteneker (Cause of death: Exposure/Exhaustion)

The Everest isn’t really easy to survive, not many people can do it. And exposure added with exhaustion caused due climbing the mountains is one of the biggest reason behind these dead bodies.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

2.Francys Astentiev (Cause of death: Exposure/Cerebral Edema)

I can’t even imagine the pain people have to go through before giving up.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

3.Tsewang Paljor (Cause of death: Exposure)

As said already exposure is one of the biggest reason behind people dying. Just by looking at these dead bodies, I can feel the stigma.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

4.Unknown Climber (Cause of death: Unknown)

The worst part of being unidentified after dying is that the people who care about you would never be able to know what exactly happened. These mountains indeed hide a lot of secrets.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

5.Hannelore Schmatz (Cause of death: Exposure/Exhaustion)

Exposure and exhaustion, yet again. It’s not really easy to hike and conquer the Everest. Salute to these for being brave.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

6.Shriya Shah–Klorfine (Cause of death: Exhaustion)

I wonder what would one feel while passing these dead bodies while climbing up the mountains.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

7.David Sharp (Cause of death: Exposure/Exhaustion)

I wish to unsee these pictures. There’s so much pain and struggle that it’s completely unfathomable.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

8.Unknown climber (Cause of death: Unknown)

At one glance, it looks as if these dead bodies are peacefully sleeping in the mountains.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

9.George Mallory (Cause of death: Fall/Head Trauma)

All I can say is these images are breaking me down.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

10.Unknown Climber (Cause of death: Unknown)

This one literally scared me. The Everest or the place forever rest? No one knows.

Dead Bodies Of People Found On Everest Show Us How Brutal Mountains Can Be

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