10 Countries Where Idea Of Handsome Men Are Different!


Different countries have different kind of people and different diversities, different food, music, languages, and nearly everything. Things like choice in handsome men and beautiful women also differ country wise, there is a chance that choices aren’t the same all around the world after all. Some women in some country might think one kind of men are handsome and someone from other countries might not agree.

Below are countries where the idea of handsome men is different:

The United States of America.


There used to be times men who had military look were considered handsome, but nowadays men with broad shoulders, muscles and face cuts attract women in the US.


Brazilian men are an encapsulation of excellence as their hairy face with penetrating blue eyes can without much of a stretch make any ladies feeble on their knees and butterflies on their stomach.



Indian men that are preferred can easily be figured out from Bollywood movies. Men who overcome daily problems and keep people around them satisfied are the ones preferred in India.



Sweden is famous for its beautiful men and women. Most likable men have hunk personalities that tend to attract women.


Men from Turkey are the most suitable for romantic movies. Their idea of male beauty is extremely well-groomed men who like to keep their beard with gloss hair.


Italy is well known for its well-groomed people and men to keep it just fine with maintaining themselves and keeping up to the trends.

South Korea.


Credits to BTS, Koreans now prefer men who’re clean and have symmetrical faces. To most people around the world, people won’t even differentiate them from women but it’s what Korean women want, so there that is.

The United Kingdom.

Englishmen are famous for their politeness and the way they treat their women. They prefer clean shaved beards with minimum golden hair and an average body works just fine.


They don’t need to do anything or put any push to awe any ladies since they are known for their authentic attractive looks. Their masculine highlights with light eyes and thin tanned bodies fit the profile of a Greek god and it is exactly what every lady in Greece wants.



They take great consideration of their appearance that can motivate anybody to keep up their male excellence. They have exceptionally straightforward standards that they pursue like heading off to the gyms, changing their shape and they have a cool, charming look.


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