13 Thought Girls Have While Using Dating Apps You Wouldn’t Imagine


4.To swipe/tick or not to do, Confusion!
dating apps


We are the queen of confusion when it comes to virtual worlds and especially while choosing something for ourselves.  Should we chose him or not? Is he a good person? What if we don’t look good together? The questions keep popping in our mind, endlessly!!

5.What if there is no one for me?
dating apps

Even if we love ourselves there is a little self-doubt in us. What if there is no match for me? What if nobody likes my profile?

6.A crush?
dating apps

As soon as someone likes our profile we do a little dance of happiness inside. Our faith gets restored. It feels so good when someone likes your profile. You feel like you are not worthless and may be your Mr. Right is on his way for you! 


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