12 Things You Can Do In The Price Of An iPhone X. 


Since the new iPhone X has launched, people are drooling over it on the internet. Some are searching for ideas to collect $1000, while some are still in shock knowing the price. But surely you can invest this money more wisely rather than buying a phone.

1. Create your own gym at home.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


We all have wished for this at least once in our lives. So let’s make it happen. You can create a gym at home with a treadmill, multi-exercise weight bench, stability ball, ab wheel, and various types of bells only at $582. Just the half of the price of iPhone X.

2. 10 days at Disneyland.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Omg! Can you think of it? You can buy $350 Park Hopper ticket for 5 days. Go fulfil your childhood dream rather than buying an iPhone X.

3. Tiffany Diamond Ring.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


A Tiffany real platinum-diamond ring will cost less than $800 and believe me I’m not even joking. Now no woman can refuse to that, can they?

4. Monthly car payments or 2 years of utility bills.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Aren’t you just fed up of losing all your salary on just paying bills? Spend wisely, would you buy an iPhone X of that price or with $840 buy yourself freedom from monthly bills?

5. 7-night Eastern Caribbean trip.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Aren’t you just irritated with your daily routine and want to just fly off somewhere? Instead of investing in iPhone X spend $889 and go on to a Carribean trip. Enjoy the beaches, the spas, the food or go for cruising and come back all refreshed.

6. 75 Margheritas.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


What else do you want in life? This is going to give you real happiness for a long period of time. 75 Margheritas at $990.75 at an average price of $13.21.

7. 6,552 Oreo cookies.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Don’t you just love Oreos? So at a price of $997.36 you can actually buy 6,552 Oreos. This can be your breakfast for a long time.

8. 190 Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


This one is the fall’s hit. You can buy 190 at a price of $997.50 at an average of $5.25 for a venti. Yet, it is not possible to drink so much until December. So you will have a lot of money left to spend on other things.

9. 312 Bud Beers.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Guys time for a decision. What would you go for? iPhone X or 312 bud beers for $998.40? Not that you should consume that much of beer. But at this price, enough beer will be there for a celebration in the village.

10. 113 movie tickets.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Yes, of course you can download them or watch online but big screens have their own impact. So if you are up for a movie marathon whole year. You know where to spend $998.92.

11. Car.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Even if it is a second hand investing in a car can provide you with a lot of benefits. At the price of $999, you can easily get a decent car.

12. 1,425 KFC hot wings.
Price of iPhone X can afford a lot of things


Difficult choice. Well, I definitely would have chosen hot wings. I am a chicken lover. Just imagine the price of iPhone X, you can have 1,425 hot wings which can last for I don’t know how long.


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