Simon Hooper- Father To 4 Girls Shows How Much Fun Parenting Can Be, Takes Down The Web


If you see other people’s pictures and feel bad about yourself then here is what you need to see. Simon Hooper, father to 4 girls shows how much fun parenting can be. He didn’t want to sugar-coat his pictures and just posted it without giving it a second thought. This father to 4 girls now has more than 190k followers on his Instagram and the number of followers is just increasing every day.

This father of 4 daughters said in an interview “My whole account is to show a realistic view of what parenting is like from a parent’s perspective.” He further added, “There is way too much sugar-coating when it comes to parents, so I wanted to share what it’s really like and provide a bit of humor at the same time.” He is basically trying to show people how much fun parenting can be and people love him immensely.
Simon Hooper the father to 4 girls has recently become a parent to two beautiful twin girls. His elder daughter is 9 years old, the second one is 6 years old and the twins are just 10 months old. Now this father to 4 girls is also a chef, bank, handy man, swimming instructor, personal shopper, taxi driver, human climbing frame and PA.

Father of 4 daughters-Simon Hooper: Instagram

1.When his twin girls were born.

Simon Hooper Father to 4 girls fun parenting


2.Twins now get everywhere.

Father to 4 girls fun parentingvia

3.Embracing them both.

Father to 4 girls fun parentingvia

4.When cooking with family is important.

Father to 4 girls fun parentingvia 


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