13 Signs Your Man Thinks You’re The One For Him


When it comes to your man, he might not be good at showing you signs that he’s serious with you and thinks that you’re the only one for him. But as said that actions speak louder than words, and that couldn’t be truer when your man shows you signs and drops subtle hints how important you’re to him. These signs or hints are at times easy to spot. A man’s behavior towards you changes when he falls for you, he cares more, he stays by your side. But at times these hints are not easy to see as they might come as a natural act and not special.

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Here’s a list of signs to find out if a man is falling for you and you’re the one for him!

1.His words include “us” and not “you and me”

If your man likes you, everything that he ever planned for his future will now include you. You’ll notice him using “us” while addressing you and him together.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


2.He won’t hesitate to introduce you to his friends

For a guy, his friends mean more than one can imagine and if he introduces you to them it shows how important you are to him.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


3.He treats your friends the same way

When a guy likes you, everything that belongs to you will be equally important to him. If he stays cool with your friends, the way he does with his, you know he is the man.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


4.He speaks to his heart’s content

When a guy is interested in you, he’ll never think before saying anything. He’ll be comfortable enough to show you his real self.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


5.He shows you his vulnerable side

Trust me on this, a guy never reveals his sensitive or emotional side to anyone unless he trusts them completely. If the guy is not scared to get emotional in front of you, he has already taken you as his home.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


6.He often talks about his weakness

As said in the previous point, he doesn’t hesitate to show you his vulnerability. When a guy likes you, he’ll talk to you about everything, be it dreams or things that scare him. Even his weakness will be known to you.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


7.He does things to keep your smile intact

When a guy likes or loves someone, he doesn’t let the person stay unhappy. He always goes an extra mile to make things better. If you have ever found him waiting for your with your favorite chocolate or anything as such, he is totally into you.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


8.The bucket list for both of you

A guy never prepares a bucket list unless he likes you to the core. The bucket list will include places he wants to visit with you and other dreams as such.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


9.You won’t notice him losing interest in you while talking

You might have noticed him not losing interest in you even after hours of talking and being together. You both will talk about everything and anything.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


10.He adopts your ways

He does things not just because you love them but also because he wants to let you know how important you are to him.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


11.He sticks to you during your cramps

Cramps can make every girl go through mood swings. If a guy stays by your side, does everything to improve your mood, he likes you. He won’t even hesitate to get the pads for you.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


12.He always finds you gorgeous

When a guy loves you, he’ll find you beautiful during all your phase. It wouldn’t matter to him if you are in your PJs or some party dress because he’ll love you equally in both of them.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him


13.He keeps on trying and stays with you

Everyone gets through rough phases, and in these phases, we get to know about other people. If he stays by your side and never gives up, he is in love with you.

Signs Your Man Thinks You're The One For Him



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