Man Goes Through 110 Plastic Surgery Procedures To Become A Genderless Alien! What?


He by now, have spent at most 50,000 dollars in getting all of these surgeries to become genderless alien done. But, the whole of the procedure is yet to be completed, as his genitals are still not been removed by the doctors.

Meet this Genderless alien

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Anyhow, he is now looking forward to getting any of the positive response from those plastic surgeons, so that he can actually achieve what he wants to. He is even willing to go for spending more than 150,000 dollars for the same.

Meet this Genderless alien

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According to Vinny, the major goal of his behind all this is to change people’s views towards everyone. He wants to make people get awaken about the importance of being nicer to each other and not about the gender that anyone is carrying within. Pretty impressive! No?

Meet this Genderless alien

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If not from his action, but from his goal behind the same, one should really get a lesson learned! Best wishes to this human who opted himself to become an alien and by the way does not eat human flesh, I guess so! 😉


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