Incredible Body Hacks To Try Yourselves. #3 Is Very Interesting 


The human body is fascinating and we all have somebody quirks which are downright weird and annoying. Some people have discovered incredible body hacks which you can try yourselves.

Also Read: 12 Body Parts That You Can Actually Live Without 

1. Dizziness. 

Incredible Body Hacks


Many people get dizzy spells when they stand abruptly owing to blood pressure issues. In such a case, try clenching your abdominal muscles. This forces blood to move upwards in the body and you feel better.

2. Scratch The Itch. 

Incredible Body Hacks


Itching throat is very irritating and no matter how many hacks you try it just doesn’t go away. A simple way is to scratch your ear. Sounds incredible? When you scratch your ear the nerves there get stimulated and this creates a reflex in the throat causing muscle spasms which in turn cures the itch.

3. Cough It Out. 

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Next time you are afraid of injection, try coughing when the needle is inserted. This will surely reduce the pain. You may wonder if such incredible body hacks work really. Yes, studies show that coughing raises the pressure in the chest which inhibits the spinal cord’s function of pain response and hence painless injection.

4. Gag Reflex. 

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Many of us want somebody hacks to helps us with our gag reflex. Here is a simple one, simply clench your left fist and incredible success.

5. Memory Power. 

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How many times have you entered a room to get something and forget what you were looking for? One of the simple body hacks in such a case is to move your eyes sideways and you will remember it.

6. Hear Hear. 

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If you have difficulty listening when in a crowded place or a party then listen with your right ear as it picks up speech better. Your left ear picks up music better. An incredible fact here.

7. One Eye Closed. 

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Try this body hack the next time you get up after midnight. Keep your one eye closed when you switch on the light. When you go back to bed you will have night vision in that eye. 

8. Brain Freeze. 

Incredible Body Hacks


Brain freeze happens when the nerves in your mouth’s roof become too cold. The brain reacts by overheating and this hurts your head. Simple body hack is to press tongue onto the mouth roof.

9. Acid Reflux. 

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Many people complain of acid reflex and are willing to try anybody hacks. Here is a simple but incredible one, lie on your left side when sleeping. This ensures that your stomach is lower than the oesophagus and acid doesn’t slide up.

10. Blocked Nose. 

Incredible Body Hacks


Isn’t it irritating when nose congestion occurs? Here is an incredible body hack to try. Alternately try pressing your tongue to the mouth’s roof and pressing between the eyebrows with a finger. It clears up the nasal passage within 20 seconds. 

11. Sooth That Tooth Ache. 

Incredible Body Hacks


One of the incredible body hacks to alleviate a toothache is to rub ice on the back of your hand. Rub an ice cube between the index finger and the thumb and say bye to pain. 

12. Nose Bleeding. 

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All you need to do when nose bleeds is to put pressure on the small dent below the nose with your finger.


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