18 Hollywood Movies With Similar Plots, Some Of Them Strangely Released The Same Year


13. Beauty And The Beast (Nov 1991) And Shrek I (Apr 2001)

I know they are not quite same as Shrek has a bit too much of comedy in it unlike our Disney movie here. But if you notice the intricacy, both movies have almost the same storyline.

hollywood movies with same plots


14. Mirror Mirror (Mar 2012) And Snow White & the Huntsman (June 2012)

The iconic Snow White fairy tale saw two live-action movie adaptations in theaters back-to-back. The first, Mirror, Mirror, was from the visionary Indian director Tarsem Singh.The other was Snow White and the Huntsman, from first-time director Rupert Sanders, which took a dark and gritty approach to the Brothers Grimm fairy tale.

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15. Chasing Liberty (Jan 2004) And First Daughter (Sep 2004)

In 2004, Warner Bros. released the Mandy Moore vehicle Chasing Liberty, which told the story of the President of the United States’ 18-year-old daughter and her misadventures overseas. Later in that election year, First Daughter opened in theaters with Katie Holmes in the lead role. Both films flopped big at the box office.

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