Attention Harry Potter Lovers! Do You Know There’s A Hogwarts For Real!


Hello, Harry Potter lovers! Yes, you have read the title right. I am not kidding whatsoever. So, feel blessed all the Harry Potter lovers because this article is gonna let you know everything about the real life Hogwarts! Oh my goodness, how cool is that? So, are you ready for it?harry potter lovers, Hogwarts, real


So all Harry Potter Lovers, Read further to know more about the actual real life Hogwarts!

harry potter lovers, Hogwarts, real via

1. It is called – ‘College of Wizardry‘.

harry potter lovers, Hogwarts, real via

2. You can find it at Czocha Castle, Leśna, Poland.

harry potter lovers, Hogwarts, real via

3. The price you need to pay to attend the classes.

€420 / €470. The price includes food and lodging at the castle from dinner from Thursday to breakfast on Sunday.

harry potter lovers, Hogwarts, real via 


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