12 Hilarious Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up The Relationship Between Roommates


Every soul who has ever dared to wander the world outside their safe and comfy homes knows how hard it is to cope in the big bad world out there. Our days would be fraught with tears (and a dripping nose, obviously) if it weren’t for the extraordinary species, our dear roomies. Roommates have this superpower to make us miss our homes a little less as they are so good that they become your family or so annoying that you don’t have much time for being all miserable or a mix of both. Either way, the relationship between roommates is a special combo- thoda sa pyaar (little bit love) and a lot of planning to murder them in their sleep.

And the land of Twitter is buzzing with confessions from fellow roomies. Here are 12 tweets that perfectly reflect the relationship between roommates-.

1. I don’t think ‘love’ of that level is even possible.

Relationship between roommates

2. This roomy just committed a very serious offence.

Relationship between roommates

3. If only everyone was blessed with such gifts *sigh*

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4. They work way too hard to make sure you are annoyed. Ah, such deligence.

Relationship between roommates

5. When your roommates mistake you for an unpaid servant, which is like every day.  Depicting relationship between roommates? Nailed it.

Relationship between roommates

6. Don’t you just pray that murder should be made legal to free the earth of such lovely creatures?

Relationship between roommates

7. Roommates like this make the whole ‘living solo’ idea look rather appealing.

Relationship between roommates

8.  When you and your roomy, at last, realize what ‘teamwork’ really means. Whew!

Relationship between roommates

9. The fate of anyone who lives with this character? Let’s just say, the ‘relationship between roommates’ part, well that’s going to be one TOUGH business.

Relationship between roommates

10. Whatever is mine, it is yours too and unfortunately, some take it far too seriously.

Relationship between roommates

11. That one dream of every roommate on earth. *wipes tears*

Relationship between roommates

12. Scary and shower, in one sentence? Well, well, living with a roommate is enough to experience the horror.

Relationship between roommates

Well, did they correctly depict the relationship between roommates or were you able to relate on a personal level?  Go, check on your roommate, who knows what they are up to now *evil grin*

Also Read: 16 Hilarious Pregnancy Tweets That Will Surely Make You Lol Hard


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