12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty


When we talk of guilty pleasures, we all have a long list piled up. They obviously aren’t ideal but that doesn’t really mean that we should feel shameful for ours. After all, no one can expect you to be the Perfect Man. And to be truthful, guilty pleasures aren’t really that bad. Whether it’s binge eating while you’re on a diet or fantasizing about your crush even when you’re in a relationship. Here is a list of 12 guilty things we are so in love with that we can’t really help doing them.

1. Stuffing in all the junk food even when you’re on diet.

We all definitely crave for these two things in our lives. First is a perfectly figured body and second is the junk food. Now the existence of these two together is just a hail mary. In order to look perfect, we’re all on diet most of the time. But pizzas and ice creams still commandeer the diet. This for sure doesn’t help us with swimsuit season but the inner satisfaction is no less than a luxury.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

2. Being happy on seeing a jerk fail at life.

In our lives, we all have dealt with people who tried to make our life miserable. These jerks are everywhere. Be it school, workplace or even your own damn house. Smiling on seeing a man fail in his life is definitely not the ideal thing to do. But out of all the guilty things we love doing, this one for sure pleases you the most. As they say, Karma is one hell of a bitch.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

3. Fishing compliments by grabbing the attention intentionally.

Insulting yourself just in order to gain a little sympathy and some compliments isn’t something we all are not aware of. Of course, this isn’t the best way to get a compliment but the assurance your friends provide you definitely meet your expectations.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

4. Getting drunk during the daytime.

Drinking alcohol before 5 pm for sure isn’t the gentleman’s game. But when you have a whole afternoon to yourself, drinking does make that easy for you. Also, you end up in bed way earlier than 2 am which doesn’t disturb the next day’s schedule.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

5. Stalking people on social media.

Another activity that makes it way to the list of guilty things we all love doing is stalking. Be it your crush, friend, colleague or even your boss, stalking everyone is in our default setting. Your detective skills for sure come in handy while setting up for a date on Tinder.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

6. Enjoying being Hit On even when you’re in a relationship.

I am pretty damn sure that one thing that skyrockets your level of confidence is being aware of the fact that strangers still hit on you. Being in a relationship does limit it but it definitely doesn’t seize it completely. And seeing your significant other getting jealous of those flirty strangers clearly brings you two close.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

7. Claiming to be busy when you’re actually not.

Because why not? Looking a little busy keeps you in demand. Side by side, sparing a little alone time sometimes can be the best healing therapy. That is certainly not possible with people bothering you. Enjoying a little me time for a harmless excuse certainly seems like a profitable deal.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

8. Spending all your money on online shopping.

With the arrival of E-Commerce, shopping just got a whole lot easier. Adding stuff to your closet while sitting on a couch is something that is really tempting. But this for sure hardens the maintenance of your budget. Unless this leaves you broke, spending your paycheck on online shopping is one of the guilty pleasures we all love to experience.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

9. Acting sick out of laziness.

When you’re not really in a mood to get off your bed, calling in a sick is the best option you can come across. Remember the school days? A headache was our ultimate weapon to skip school. Well, pulling the same string now is undoubtedly one of the guilty things we can’t help doing.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

10. Fantasizing about your crush.

Wasting time and fantasizing about your crush aren’t exactly two different things. Even when you’re taken, you can’t help thinking about the person you have a tiny crush on. But make sure that you keep these dreamland thoughts up to yourselves and don’t let them affect your line of work.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

11. Spelling Wednesday as Wed-Nes-Day.

Since our school days, we all have been taught the right pronunciation of word Wednesday. But apparently, our subconscious is way too peculiar to ignore the letter ‘d‘ in between. Wednesday as Wens-Day is something that we can’t literally help ourselves with.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty

12. Ordered enough food for an army even when you’re alone.

Cooking for sure drives us all nuts. All the kitchen hassle just makes it worse. In the end, we all end up ordering food from outside. But what seems unusual is the fact that we all end up ordering a lot more than we can eat, Always.

12 Things We All Love Doing That Leave Us Guilty



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