Studies Show That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


There have been a lot of researches and studies that now proves that if you drink coffee, you might live longer than others who don’t. Have you heard the phrase “But first, coffee..” it’s not only just a phrase now and has never meant more than it means now.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


When you drink coffee doesn’t only make waking up easier but it can make you live longer too. Yes, it’s not surprising anymore as it has been proven that people who drink coffee can be life changing for them.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


Read More: Hacks That Will Change The Way You Drink Your Coffee

The conclusion is made by the recent two studies that were published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. The studies found that regular coffee consumption can be somewhat indicative of a longer life or at least connected to it.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


Both the studies followed samples of coffee drinkers over a number of years to see the effects of their habit of drinking coffee on their overall health. It also helped them contract certain diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


More than 7 lakh coffee drinkers were studies and researched on and special attention was paid to their background and ethnicities. Both the studies were observed well and can’t offer definitive causation, both of them showed some amazing findings. In both studies, scientists tried to control for any outstanding health factors that could skew results to ensure that data would be as accurate as possible and included different types of coffee, as well.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


Although coffee helps us improve other parts of our lives like making our mornings easier and help us stay awake at night for the deadlines. But decaf coffee also improves longevity, meaning the caffeine might not be to blame after all.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


The first study that was conducted over more than 5 lakh European people over 16 years showed connections between lower risk of death and coffee consumption. And the second study done over nearly 2 lakh American people for more than 16 years showed a likelihood of death by way of heart disease, respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, or kidney failure was significantly lower in coffee drinkers than ones who didn’t consume it.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


The studies also showed that people who drink 2-3 cups of it daily were 18% less likely to die early while people who drink 1 cup daily is 12% less likely to die early.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


When the researchers studied the cases further they found out that it also depends on the gender. The study showed that 25% of people who consume caffeine had around three or more cups of coffee a day, male coffee drinkers were 12 % live longer than males who didn’t consume it. And females had a 7% longevity leg up on women who did not drink it.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


It also shows that regular coffee consumption can be helpful in improving inflammation, liver function, and blood sugar levels.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee


So regular coffee drinkers aren’t at risk of any kind of health problems and if you drink less than 5 cups a day then it’s completely fine.

Studies Shows That If You Want To Live Longer, Drink Coffee



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