Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK And They’re Hilarious


This world we live is going through a rough phase. A phase where voice matters, where people need to speak loud and clear about the things that are not right. And owing to the new and upcoming artists, these voices have grown stronger. Meet Mobstr, the guy who is leaving pretty hard-hitting sarcastic messages all over the walls of the UK. And no, that’s not vandalism. The way Mobstr takes on different issues using humor and stencils is pure genius.

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Here is what messages someone is leaving over the walls of the UK and how hilarious they are!

1. A difference between what’s acceptable and what’s not has never been clearer. 

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

2. Whoever that someone is, the one who is leaving these messages on the walls is a genius.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

3. If the entire UK can waste its 10 seconds, why can’t we?

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

4. Can someone help me finding this genius? These messages on the walls are literally the truth.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

5. This is going to hurt loads of people. I mean come on, everyone buys pointless stuff without even realizing. 

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

6. Can the apple phrase get replaced by this? We are tired of it already. And shouldn’t we be leaving the old stuff behind?

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

7. The story of everyone’s life. That snooze button is the one behind why we are leaving everything unattended. 

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

8. I can imagine someone walking along these walls, trying to read these messages.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

9. And just like everyone in the UK, the whole world ended up looking like idiots.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

10. The plot explanation of most of the movies that come up these days.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

11. Now I literally want to visit the UK just to read these messages on the walls.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

12. One of the best things about leaving I have ever read. 

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

13. Ouch! A lot of ladies are going to get triggered by this.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

14. Can the UK get any more awesome? This guy leaving these messages behind is making everything better.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

15. I have never seen anything truer than this and hilarious.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

16. London has never looked this crazily beautiful ever. 

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

17. These walls and the messages and the guy who is leaving them behind deserves all the coverage.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

18. I can actually imagine that guy’s face going what the fuck is that.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

19. If I come across such a sign on the road, it will literally make my day.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

20. Be it the UK, or the USA or India or anywhere else, the security is always sleeping.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

21. I guess all those alleged Instagram celebrities love these walls.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

22. A truth which is going to make people really really uncomfortable.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK

23. Paint everything like no one is watching.

Someone Is Leaving Messages All Over The Walls Of UK


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