12 Signs Prove That Chocolate Is The True Love You’ve Been Waiting For


You mean the world to me!’ Aww, the sweetest confession of love ever but no, no! That is not for another human being. Oh please, the one I love is above all pesky humans. You already are way too familiar with the crush of my lifetime (the title gave it away, huh)- CHOCOLATE, my one true love!! And some of you, okay ALL of you would rather marry that melting wonder.

Here are the signs which prove chocolate is the true love, the one you have romantic dreams about:

1. Share my chocolates? Tell me you’re kidding! No? *shoots in the head*

Such sentences when spoken can be injurious to the speaker’s health.

true love

2. “So what do you want for your birthday?” Chocolates obviously!

It is the only proof of love after all *dreamy eyed*

true love

3. And in fact, you lose all sanity when you do find them in your gifts.

Best gift ever!

true love

4. “I am on a diet, I have to follow a prescribed diet sheet, I can’t eat… wait, is that chocolate?”

*Throws the diet sheet out of the window*

true love

5. Unwraps chocolate. Pops it in, and BAM! Instant heavenly gratification!

Is this love? I think it is! You found that rare true love! How lucky.

true love

6. I am sleepy, chocolates would wake me up! It is a perfect stress-buster. I am happy, let’s celebrate with chocolates.

“I am breathing, wow! Give me THAT damn piece of chocolate already.”

true love

7. Your answer to ‘When do you prefer to eat chocolates?’ Every. Single. Moment.


true love

8. You have a superpower- to finish hordes of chocolate boxes all by yourself.

“Gotta get’em all!”

true love

9. Your dustbin looks like the land of wrappers.

To be precise, chocolate wrappers.

true love

10. “Why isn’t this wall made of chocolates?!” And if it had been up to you, wearing chocolates would be the latest trend.

Brown is the new black.

true love

11. Gold, diamonds? Nah! You are proud of your overflowing treasury of chocolates.

“My babies!”

true love

12. And now that you read it all, you are itching to jump onto that very stash of yours.

Off you go!

Chocolate love

Chocolates and you, true love it is, no doubts there!

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