This Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It’s Absolutely Hilarious


Photobombing is an art, though unconventional, it is. And so is photoshop. But what happens when you combine these two? The result would be pretty hilarious, right? Meet Matt Vescovo, the 45-year-old animator, and writer from Los Angeles who has taken the internet by storm by his crazy talent. This guy photoshops himself photobombing others in random photos. Sound weird, I know. But trust me, the final results are awesome Af. Here is what he said about the whole thing.

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Read More:20 Unexpected But Best Photobomb Pictures Clicked Ever

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

Here is how this photobomber photobombs stock photos and how damn hilarious they are!

1. We can safely assume that this guy is a master of photoshop and photobombs. 

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

2. I guess the people in this one of the many photos wouldn’t really be pleased. 

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

3. That one unhappy photobomber who ruins every happy photo.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

4. When you are single and the only way you can get near a girl is by becoming a photobomber.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

5. Damn! These photos of the photobombs are hilarious AF. This guy is a genius. 

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

6. This guy is creepy of some other level. Being a photoshopped photobomber is not easy.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

7. Why can’t he leave the couple alone? Seems like, he photobombs all the photos of the couples he comes across. 

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

8. Okay! This photobomber just took everything to the next level. That’s some talent, Man!

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

9. Dude, just let the couple have their intimate time. 

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

10. Meet the guy who photobombs all the photos he gets his hands on.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

11. So this dude took a frustrated guy, a corn, a background and created this. Great.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

12. Can anyone let me know how the model felt after seeing this one of the many photos?Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

13. Photobomber just became the guy who brings food for you at odd hours.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

14. The frustrated wife and the weird husband who keeps doing abnormal things.

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

15. Does this guy even think of something while he photobombs the photos?

Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious

16. I guess now we all know who does not like married and happy couples. Photobomber Photobombs Stock Photos And It's Absolutely Hilarious



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