15 People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors!


We have all made fun of our teachers in school and passed comments about our professors at college. But when we actually talk to our teachers we never say anything against them and always have a smile on our faces even though we don’t like them. The only time your true feelings about teachers come out is when you’re just chatting with your friends in the canteen or under your breath after the teacher picks on you in class. So what if there was the place you could share your honest feelings and reviews about your professors without them ever getting to know. So these professors are rated on their ‘hotness’ and ability to deliver classes with charm, wit, and entertainment. Failure to do so risks a scathing anonymous review of the review site ‘Rate My Professors.’ So one of the professors decided to deal with his criticisms and turn the tables in the best way with grace and humor. Now people are sharing their honest reviews about their teachers on Reddit and it’s hilarious.

Read More: 20 Most Awkward Interactions Teachers Had With Their Students!

Teachers can really get on our nerves sometimes, how do you really feel about your teachers? Here is one student who takes on his supposed serial killer professor.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors!

“Instructor Needs Desperately to Reduce Caffeine Intake.

Goes off on Tangents, Talks Really Fast, Then Loses Me.

Should Not Be Allowed to Reproduce Let Alone Teach.

Given his eerily calm and cool nature, I often feared that he would pull out an AK-47 and mow down students who frustrated him. He definitely acts like I imagine a serial killer would. If nothing else, I’m motivated to do well just to keep from pissing him off.”

1.Maybe some students even learn a thing or two from their professors. This student was inspired by his professor to try a new drink.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

2.Even our professors have a sense of humor at times. This professor turned a very bitter comment about him into a joke!

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

3.Doodling on exam papers and notebooks is a favorite pass time for many students and teachers also enjoy seeing the creativity of their students.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

4.Teachers are not ashamed of anything since they already know that their students make fun of them. I guess this professor liked laughing at himself.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

5.A professor that actually reads reviews about himself should be a pretty good teacher since they can improve themselves based on their feedback. This student really stuck with one such professor.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

6.I guess some professors are just truly pure evil.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

7.You could even use your feedback to spook out other people. See what this guy did to freak out the people he worked with.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

8.This professor gave his students a really in-depth introduction.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

9.The professors also enjoy the feedback they get, they are amused by the way the students depict them.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

10.Better to stay anonymous while giving a teacher bad feedback otherwise they will never forget you.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

11.Professors who embrace their bad feedback are the best.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

12.Some students can help you step out of your comfort zone.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

13.The basic feedback that almost every teacher gets.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

14.Professors actually expect you to submit your assignments to them.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors

15.A good piece of feedback to finish the semester.

People Shared Funny But Brutally Honest Reviews On ‘Rate My Professor’ About Their Professors


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