16 Weird Facts About North Korea That Seem Made Up But Are Actually True


When we hear the name North Korea, what usually comes to the mind? The Hydrogen bomb testing in North Korea? Well, when you see some facts about the country, you won’t be that bewildered by the statement he has made! Or any other statements or facts… Since years, Kim family has been the God family for all the citizens or is it forced to be considered as the God family!

Have unearthed some weird, crazy and bizarre facts about North Korea (Courtesy: The Internet). Forgive me if you see a lot of exclamation marks… I could not help it… Enjoy these facts!

Here are 16 facts About North Korea That Will Make You Feel Glad About Living In India:


Have you ever heard any country impose any kind of rules on a haircut? Here it is! There are 28 styles of state-approved haircuts which the people can go for! 18 for women and 10 for men! They are not allowed to have any other kind of haircut!

facts about North Korea
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2.Show your gratitude

The people are supposed to show their gratitude to the Great Kim Il Sung by bowing in front of his statue every time they see one! To show respect to the elders they will be bowing once and to show respect to the dead, they will be bowing thrice. However, Kim Il Sung has considered always alive in people’s hearts and hence bow only and only once!

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3.Photography of Kim II Sung’s statue

If you want to capture the statue into a photograph, there are certain rules! You cannot take half the statue into the picture. You have to cover the complete statue!

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4.Beauty admirer!

Well, who isn’t? Every one of us admires beauty! But here it goes a little insane… The recruitment criteria for traffic police:  Tall enough, Fair enough, Beautiful enough! Seriously? Apparently, the king wants the pictures of his country to be beautiful with beautiful people in it and when somebody takes a picture of the city, traffic police are ought to appear in the pictures! You see the logic?

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5.The Democratic Republic of Korea

That’s right! North Korea is a democratic country. More precisely, Democratic republic of Korea! But guess what? They conduct elections every five years with only one name on the ballot list! That’s just GREAT…!

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