Kids Who Were Crazy Yet Hilarious At The Same Time


Kids are crazy, you got to agree that. A lot of times, they do certain crazy things which are extremely hilarious. Kids, unknowingly do certain weird things which turn later turn out to be very hilarious. We have all been kids and we can actually say that some of the kids today have reached a different level of crazy altogether. I am not sure whether these kids are just incredibly ironic and brilliantly sarcastic or they simply made mistakes but the outcome we have got is indeed something extraordinary.

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Here are pictures of Kids who were crazy yet hilarious at the same time.

1. This girl is a fine example depicting an old-school statement, “It is okay to be different”. Just look into that owl’s eyes. Well, she definitely has some guts.

Crazy Hilarious Kids



2. Often, people realise the value of certain things only after they are gone. The guy she was avoiding for 3 straight years finally made her took a picture with him. Oh, death! thou art a heartless bitch!

Crazy Hilarious Kids



3.  When you are ugly so you find innovative ways to seek the attention of everyone around you.

Crazy Hilarious Kids



4. Her son will definitely have a hard time growing up after getting introduced to words like pussy.

Crazy Hilarious Kids



5. Just two kids watching cartoons while impersonating themselves

Crazy Hilarious Kids



6. Just a bunch of kids running around the house spraying perfumes on each other. Here’s a written agreement between two deadly parties involved in this ugly fight.

Crazy Hilarious Kids



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