Fascinating Before And After Photos That Show The True Power Of Photoshop


Without a doubt, photoshop is one of the most famous as well as loved editing softwares of all time. There is absolutely nothing you cannot do if you have the skill in Photoshop and that is what makes the software so special. However, not many people uses the true power of it. Many of the online images are made better using the software but have you ever wondered how better can a dull photo be made if the true power of photoshop is utilised? Well, here are some images by Peter Stewart to show the reality behind the perfectly photoshopped pictures:

Source: Peter Stewart, 500px, Instagram, Flickr

1. HDR Bracketing

True power of Photoshop

The colours that you see in the photoshopped picture are not as good in real life. In other words, the reality is a little overrated in the picture.

2. Copy And Flip

True power of Photoshop

The original image has been copied and flipped before joining it and making it look like there are actually four walls surrounding the photographer. The brightness has also been increased reveal the colours.

3. Altering Colour Temperature

True power of Photoshop

People who have some knowledge of editing knows how much the colour temperature matters.

4. Enhanced Colours

True power of Photoshop

A little bit of colour enhancement can make the photo look 10 times better.

5. Smart Editing

True power of Photoshop

Photoshop can turn any photo way better. Here is the biggest proof.

6. Tackling Over-Exposure

True power of Photoshop

The image that was clicked was over-exposed which had been fixed and colour corrections had also been done.

7. Saturated

True power of Photoshop

A little bit of saturation and color balancing can make the photo better.

8. Orange Sky Gradient

True power of Photoshop

A lot of editing has been done to this photo. The Orange Sky gradient, sunrays and the added glow- he did it all using Photoshop.

9. Mount Fuji

True power of Photoshop

This is an HDR image created by combining all 3 images. Good editing, overall.

10. So Much Better

True power of Photoshop

The same thing that has been done in the first photo is done here. Photoshop and Nik Color Efex Pro together creates magic.


true power of photoshop


The photo can be made fascinating using very common things.


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