20 Disturbing Pictures From The Strange Island Of Dolls


It is hard to believe that innocent and joyous toys that are used for gladdening kids, can be equally dark and terrifying. A scary island in Mexico has now become one of the most attracted tourist spots. And for what? Dolls.

The Isla de las Munecas – The Island of Dolls – is one hideous place to hang out. It is surrounded by dolls with severed heads and empty eye sockets glaring back at the tourists. You won’t get a chance to stand against the creepy stare of dolls from all directions. The limbless bodies hanging across the island will send chills down your spine.

The Island of Dolls is purely artificial and was built after the death of a small girl. This strange tourist attraction is located about 17 miles south of Mexico City, between the Xochimilco Canals in Mexico. It can only be reached by a ferry from Embarcadero Fernando Celada. Here are some disturbing pictures from the Island of Dolls that are enough to startle you.


1. This is normal.. trust me.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


2. Imagine this doll welcoming you!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


3. Devil’s own group!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


4. Oh, my..

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


5. It is not cute. At all.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


6. This is common. They usually hang out.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


7. Spooky enough?

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


8. Here, one of the most creepy & disturbing pictures!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


9. It Looks F*cking Real!!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


10. Who the hell built this Island of Dolls?

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


11. No matter how you dress, you won’t look like a doll now.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


12. This is crazy.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


13. Well, they have all sort of spooky dolls. Like this Zombie look-alike one.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


14. Get it off. For God’s sake!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


15. That look clearly says, ‘don’t disturb me’.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


16. That’s enough!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


17. The hat won’t make you look cute anymore.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


18. I am not visiting The Island of Dolls. No, never!

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


19. Okay, I’m done.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


20. …I said I’m done.

20 Disturbing Pictures From The Island Of Dolls


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