A Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing


The best advertisement for your business is the experience you leave the customer and their feedback in form of reviews or word of mouth publicity i.e. their willingness to tell other people about it. Nothing gets lost on the internet so bad reviews can hurt your business and a good one may or may not help you in terms of attracting more clients.

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

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A bad review can be the deciding factor when potential customers are not sure if they want to buy from you or from a competitor. Most people before buying anything which costs them more than average check out reviews. So it can cost you a lot if your product has a lot of bad reviews. If you’re interacting with customers, it doesn’t matter what your business is about, it is now easier than ever for them to spread their opinion of you far and wide and here is where a company like Amazon shines. They have the principle of ‘customer is king’ and the result is that they get free publicity in media from these customers and get them for life.

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

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Amazon is a customer-centric company and customers usually review the items which they buy through the portal. As an Amazon customer, one can publish one review for each product purchased, irrespective of the quantity, colour, size or the country in which you bought it.

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One bad review in the Amazon portal about a giant inflatable ball was so funny that it was the talk of the time and may have boosted the sales of the product as well. Talk about negative publicity! Five stars and a positive review might not have been this good so as to boost the sales than what this hilarious review did.

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

The review is so funny that even the guy who created the product could not have given a better description for the giant ball and the way in which he explained his experience made some people want to own it. If that is not marketing, I don’t know what is. The Internet loves trolls and memes and the giant inflatable ball guy just gave it a big giant ball full of funny stuff.

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

Amazon is selling a 12-foot giant inflatable ball and apparently, some people are buying it!

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing


Here is the review and how others responded to the hilarious review in their own funny manner. Some of them will crack you up.

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

Here are the comments on the epic review!

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

Now that’s one lonely single dude! And a satisfied customer, so to speak.

Disappointed Customer Posted A Review Of Giant Inflatable Ball On Amazon And Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

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