12 One-In-A-Million Jaw Dropping Coincidences Which Are A Miracle Of Perfect Timing.


Coincidences are a part of our lives and they do not surprise us anymore. But sometimes we see some jaw dropping incidences which are hard to explain. So you decide whether the incidences in our list are a mere coincidence or a miracle of perfect timing.

1. The nearly unlucky accident.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


Just an inch could have made the matter devastating. What person can be this lucky that his car comes out without any scratch after being almost hit by a tree during storm?

2. A pilot flying the same aircraft which inspired him.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


Some coincidences are too sweet to handle. It’s almost like a miracle. Approximately 20 years ago this little boy visited an air show and got to sit in an aircraft. That was the day he knew what he wanted to become. After growing up and joining Air Force, he was always searching for that one aircraft. Only to find out later that it is the same one which he is flying now.

3. When Coincidences and Perfect Timing collide ‘literally’.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


What a miracle! Can anything be more coincidental than this picture? I don’t think so. This is just the ultimate. The zip code, the race number and the time everything perfectly matches.

4. Beyond a Bull’s Eye.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


Some people and not very good at darts, like me. So when we hit the Bull’s Eye it’s a one in a million shot for us. Like we are not doing it purposely, it just happens to happen. But when someone hits a fly with a dart, that’s like a miracle, a treat to watch, perfect timing or just a coincidence. Whatever it is, this guy wins.

5. What a  Bar-incidence!

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


If you go on a visit to Sesame Street, you can expect to see a certain number of things like Oscar the Grouch, Big Bird, etc. But you are walking into a bar to see this, is something unexpected. What are the odds of a man wearing a Cookie jacket and sitting right beside a man wearing Monster jacket?

6. These flamingos know very well who they are.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


Some coincidences are magical to watch. And what seems more like a miracle is that someone happened to be there for clicking the shot at perfect timing. A bunch of flamingos forming a large flamingo, shows how aware they are of their existence.

7. The confusion of the two William Wests.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


No, these two photos are not of the same man. Though they both are prisoners, their names and faces match, they are not in any way related. Both of them was sent to Leavenworth Prison around the same time, which lead to a lot of confusions among the jail workers.

8. This restaurant is truly blessed.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


When someone is truly lucky nothing can bring him down. Half lit sign boards can be a major cause of loss for the owner as people won’t be able to figure out from a distance, what the place is meant to be. But not in this case. No matter from how far you are seeing, it will always remain a ‘restaurant’.

9. Ditto.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


How often does it happen that you like a creature so much that you tattooed that on your body, and that same creature sits on your body mirror imaging the tattoo? One among a million coincidences. Right? Also, what perfect timing!

10. The view must never be interrupted.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


That’s what perfect timing is all about. Who would like to miss this scenic beauty while driving through this road? But if you have this Camper in front of you, you wouldn’t even have to overtake. As you are not missing on anything.

11. Twinning with these two cars at the same time.

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


Had she planned to end up standing between these two cars while she was getting dressed in the morning? Most probably, no. Well this is how things work in the world of coincidences.

12. Oh SHIT!

Coincidences and miracle at perfect timing


How unlucky can a person get! Not one but he missed one in each number. This was surely not his day.


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