12 Ideas That Will Help You Make This Planet A Better Place To Live


In recent times, people have understood the importance of keeping the planet safe. So, they are choosing more eco-friendly options. Along with the big companies and eco startups, it is also our responsibility to take care of our planet in our own little ways to make it a healthy place to live in.

1. Compostable net is the new packaging

Saving the planet


This grocery store took an initiative to cover their fruits and vegetables in compostable nets. This removes the use of plastic bags.

2. Making use of the packaging white papers

Saving the planet


This family received a lot of white papers from a single Amazon delivery box and instead of throwing these papers, they decided to wrap the Christmas gift of this year with them.

3. Be a help to the birds

Saving the planet


You can collect your brushed fur and put it in a bird feeder so that the birds and chicks can make their home with this.

4. Popcorn tin

Saving the planet


Instead of paper the refillable popcorn tins are of great help for the planet.

5. Soaps and shampoos sold without packaging

Saving the planet


This is an eco friendly initiative to discard the plastic packaging.

6. A Portuguese airlines company, Hi Fly Airlines has taken a pledge to discard the use of single-use plastic in their planes

Saving the planet


The outcome was amazing. They managed to save 750 lb of disposable waste in just a single flight. So you can imagine how much waste can be saved from 1000 flights.

7. The app ‘Too Good To Go’ provides you this much food in cheap price

Saving the planet


The breakfast buffet has a lot of items.

8. Deflated balloon turned into gift wrapper

Saving the planet


Any plastic can be reused.

9. Pasta noodles used as coffee stirrer

Saving the planet


These are biodegradable wastes not harming the planet.

10. Make your Christmas Earth-friendly

Saving the planet


Use fabric and reusable ribbons to wrap the gifts so that they can be reused next year.

11. Paper straws to the saviour

Saving the planet


McDonalds in Bangalore, India has opted for paper straws instead of plastic ones for drinks.


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