13 Most Weird Things Ever Found on Google Maps


Google maps is surely a useful service but it never fails to surprise us with some weird things on a weird location and today we’re counting 13 of the really weird things ever found on google maps. Apple must be laughing on google maps right now.

1. The footprint of a giant

Weird Things on Google Maps


This weird maze similar to the footprint of a giant is located in a small village near the county of Hampshire. This is the longest maze in England (377 ft).

2. An alien cat

Weird Things on Google Maps


This geoglyph is approximately 9,000 years old. According to one version, this is a divine cat who came from another world. It is located in the driest place on the planet: the Atacama Desert, which hasn’t seen a single drop of rain for centuries.

3. A Turkish flag in Cyprus


The giant flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is painted on the slope of the Kyrenia Mountains. You can also see the motto of the republic next to the flag: “How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!” This is a phrase from the speech of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, delivered for the 10th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.

4. The Coca-Cola logo on a mountain


No, Google maps isn’t partnering with Coca-cola. The world’s largest Coca-Cola logo was constructed on the slope of a mountain near Arica City, Chile. The logo was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Coca-Cola in 1986 and was composed of 70,000 empty Coke bottles.

5. A cruise ship among skyscrapers

Weird Things on Google Maps


The first thought that comes to mind after seeing this picture is that the captain went mad for a moment and headed for land. In fact, this building is a shopping center in Hong Kong. It looks especially splendid at night when all the lights are on.

Also read: This Artist Created An Amazing Sculpture Of A Giant Octopus Using A Chainsaw

6. How to get revenge on your “asshole” neighbour

Weird Things on Google Maps


The quarrel between the two neighbors started in 2009. One of them came up with an unusual revenge idea: he mowed “AHOLE” into a field with an arrow pointing toward his neighbor’s house.

7. A salt factory similar to a work of art

Weird Things on Google Maps


This is a small village in Niger with a population of 50 families. The main occupation of the local people is the extraction of salt from ponds full of mud. Each pond is filled with water, into which a special clay containing salt is placed. The salt water is then drained and filtered. Salt crystals become visible as the water evaporates.

8. An alien spaceship


It seems a real alien spaceship has landed in Texas. In fact, it’s a local attraction called Futuro House. It was designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen in the 1960s. This architectural design once was very popular and represented people’s hope for future technologies. Today, only 30 Futuro Houses exist in different parts of the world.

9. Gulliver, tied down to the roof of a building


One of the world’s strangest children’s playgrounds is situated in Valencia, Spain. With numerous slides, secret passages, and a huge wide bench for parents, the structure looks like an amusement park.

10. A huge collection of aircraft


Different types of old and new planes and other aircraft are located next to the small airport in Belgrade in the Museum of Aviation. Visitors can walk around and take a closer look at every detail of the airplanes. The museum owns more than 200 aircraft, including fragments of the American “Stealth” combat aircraft and F-16 Fighting Falcon.

11. A waving man in Australia

Weird Things on Google Maps


This funny waving guy on the Australian Gold Coast is visible even from space. In fact, this is an ordinary floating pontoon for children, and it’s part of a small amusement park on the shore.

12. Google’s secret base on Mars

Weird Things on Google Maps


Google seriously puzzled its users with a mysterious space base constructed amidst endless deserts. Some even thought this was the base of the real Martians, accidentally caught on camera. However, if you take a look inside the building, it becomes obvious that it’s just another Google data center.

13. A giant crab

Weird Things on Google Maps


The satellite picture of a giant crab lurking off the shore of Whitstable, Kent, immediately went viral as soon as it was shared online. This massive crab was thought to be 50 ft wide and was dubbed “Crabzilla.”


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