13 Things You Can Totally Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


We all have that one person we’ll have a lifelong crush on. And no matter what your relationship status is you’ll still forever have a crush on them so don’t fight it! And the way those emotions creep up and grab a hold of you without any heads up is almost unfair. The worst part is when you try to fight them back so just accept that you’re going to crush over this person forever. And there are things that only a person like them can relate to.

Read More: Signs Your Crush Is Not Going To Text You Back.

You’ll totally relate to these things if you too had a crush on someone forever!

1.You’ll still get nervous being with them in the same room. You won’t get the same feeling that you used to get, but that fluttering feeling is still there.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


2.It doesn’t matter how irrational it may seem, but you are always looking for their face in the crowd. No matter if how far away they are, you still look for them.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


3.When you were into your crush, you were really into them. Probably longer than you would admit to anyone ever. And no matter how hard you try, the feelings just don’t go away.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


4.There will be things that’ll remind you of them be it some songs or some place. And when you encounter these things, you never fail to chuckle a little bit at what might have been.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


5.Even if you act like you’re happy for them, you sometimes get jealous when you see them with someone else.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


6.Admit it! You stalk them and want to know even the smallest detail they’ve updated in their social media accounts. You want to know what they’ve been up to.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


7.You always try to compare anyone you date with them initially. And you also compare the people who they’re with to you.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


8.Being in a relationship doesn’t change the fact that you still like them. No matter how many relationships you have seen but you know you’re still attracted to your crush.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


9.You always remember important details of their life such as their birthday, and things that mean to them. And you almost always reach out to them on those days.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


10.When you think about you forever crush it still makes you smile. It’s like the one that’s certain nostalgia for something that you wish had happened but didn’t. The one that you can have for the entire life.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


11.Whenever your crush name is brought up, your ears perk up and you’re still interested in what people are saying about them.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


12.You don’t want your friends or anyone to find out how hard you still crush on them. So you just act like you don’t care when their name comes up.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever


13.You’ll surely relate to it. From time to time, you still think and imagine that you could be together with your crush at some point. But you know the impossibilities of that situation.

Things You Will Relate To If You Had A Crush On Someone Forever



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