Things All Parents Assume You’re Doing When You’re Using Your Phone


As technology is taking over the world, more and more problems are developing. Phones have nearly replaced every other digital gadget. A phone has several positive effects and few negative effects as well. And all parents think that their children are misusing their phones. Here are the things all parents assume you’re doing when you’re using your phone.

1. Gathering all the attention by updating display photos

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Of course, kids nowadays update cool display photos but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re doing it for attention. All parents need to stop assuming shit.

2. Inviting illnesses

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A phone might have negative effects on a human body but it is worth it as it delivers so much knowledge and information.

3. Being disrespectful

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Parents need to understand that a phone doesn’t make your child disrespectful but your parenting does.

4. Not eating right 

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Children become quite irresponsible about their health in their young age but the phone can’t be blamed for that. So, please!

5. Failing to do well academically

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A proper routine and schedule help maintain a stable life. Too much usage of the phone can actually affect children’s studies.

6. Getting involved in some shady business

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Such things come with bad company and friends. So it’s better to have a check and balance on your child’s company rather than blaming his phone.

7. Secretly dating someone

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Digital relationships have become a big part of youth’s life. But that’s not the only thing children do on their phone. There are other things too. For example MEMES!!

8. Setting yourselves up for being targets for predators

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Dark web is a terrifying part of the Internet. But kids are not even that irresponsible now! Come on!!

9. Casually heading towards blindness

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A phone can’t make you blind. Parents need to stop worrying about these petty things.

10. Avoiding responsibilities

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Children avoid responsibilities because not enough trust was put into them. Now they’re scared to hold responsibility.

11. Allowing yourselves to be spied on or tracked by murderers

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There are other important things to be taken care of rather than thinking about this crap.

12. Somehow assisting in the process of their demise

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Parents need to trust their children. They have your blood in them. They won’t let you down because they love you too as much as you love them.

Also read: Kids Who Were Crazy Yet Hilarious At The Same Time


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