25 Things In Our Favorite Disney Movies That Used To Creep Us Out As Kids


There are things and movies from our childhood that we miss. But do you realize that in some of our favorite Disney movies that had some scenes that would creep us out as kids. We used to get so attached and engrossed in the Disney movies that certain things happening in it could instantly creep us out. But these were probably the best part of being kids, isn’t it?

So we have gathered 25 things from our favorite Disney movies that used to creep us out as kids. Check them out and get nostalgic!

Read More: 30 Awkward Disney Moments That Will Ruin Your Childhood Memories!

1.That was heartbreaking. Winnie the Pooh was probably the first ever movie that we watched as kids. 

Disney movies that used to creep us out as kids


Disney movies that used to creep us out as kids

3.That was the scariest toy Sid had! It actually could scare any kid giving him nightmares!

Disney movies that used to creep us out as kids

4.Yeah the shark was scary but the movies was too good

Disney movies that used to creep us out as kids

5.The saddest moment in the movies. I cried while watching it. 

Disney movies that used to creep us out as kids 


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