These Students Just Made The Funniest Yearbook Ever.


You cannot expect something very sensible from a high school student. But still, there are two kinds of students. One who uses the yearbook as an opportunity to present themselves in the best way possible and others try to make it memorable so that the future generations can still laugh watching them. So here is a list of students who contributed to making this the wittiest yearbook ever.

1. The journey from A’s to D’s.

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Now we all have seen the journey of a high school girl from Nay to Yay in the popular teen movies. Brooke just wanted everyone to always remember and keep getting motivated that it’s never too late. But keep in mind your grades doesn’t go the other way.

2. Overconfidence reaching its new peak.

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Well going as per his looks, there’s a slight possibility that this could happen. But anyway yearbook is not a place to showcase your charm.

3. What a shoving reply!

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We got to agree he dresses like a perfect gentleman. Next time you ask him why he spends so much time getting ready? Remember it’s worth it.

4. The secret to happiness.

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He must have been fed up his entire high school with constantly being made fun out of. Chinese or Japanese people do have small eyes. And when they laugh the eyes get smaller. This guy took the bullying in a positive way and wrote something in the yearbook to remember him for life.

5. Style went wrong.

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Some have a signature style to stand by. But doesn’t her turban remind you of Quirrell? Quirrell, who had Voldemort hidden inside his turban.

6. Acceptance is cleverness.

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Got that pun there? I can feel how painful her life has been. She must have been subject to so many trolls all her high-school. Finally she expresses her pain but in a witty way.

7. Girl, you have done a bad thing.

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Some students use the Yearbook as a messenger to get their things back.

8. Who keeps that kind of title?

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I don’t know what his parents were thinking. Were they drunk? Throwing your child into a whole life of miserableness is wrong. No wonder he hates his name, every one of us would have.

9. That sounds like a plan.

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By the time they leave high-school, some students already have crafted out their future plans. But Amanda has the best plan. She knows the easiest process to get money.

10. Yeah, miss those idiots.

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Remember he is also one of them.

11. #TitleError Again!

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Where does he hides his face when his friends troll him black and blue? No wonder staircase is his favourite place.

12. Ya, that did distract the guys a lot.

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She should have worn something covering that midriff. Anyways, she apologized but believe me that increased the attendance of male students by 75%.






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