12 Signs That You’re In A Pretty Serious Relationship With Your Phone


You are the happiest couple in the entire universe, there doesn’t exist the slightest possibility of a relationship being as serious as yours is… with your phone. Yep, it is your shield against the world, the one and only who never leaves. And no matter how much you deny the fact that you fallen hopelessly in love with this electronic object, there are red flags which are hard to miss.

So how about we discuss this epic love story of a human in a serious relationship with its phone?

1. “Where is my phone?!!” Nothing instills more fear than the terrifying possibility of losing your lifeline.

Here comes the panic attack.

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2. “Its battery is dead! How I am supposed to survive now?!”


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3. The first thing you do in the morning? Opening your eyes, duh. Next is face-time with your beloved’s screen.

There is no ditching THIS schedule.

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4. Even the side bench in a dingy platform becomes a home if it has a working electric socket to feed your hungry lover.

“Are you hungry, baby?”

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5. On the rare occasions when someone else gets their hands on it- “My SOUL, They have my soul!”

How dare they!

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6. Your phone is your default plus one for every event, after all, it’s hard to separate two love birds in a relationship.

Where I go, my phone follows…

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7. Ah, romance is in the air as you often gently caress it without even realizing it.

Oh, the love of your life.

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8. With face stuffed in your phone, have you heard your friends complain about you not giving them time?

Looks like you both are pretty serious, ha? Get a room, you two!

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9. It saves you from dire situations like death from extremely dull conversations.

“My hero!”

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10. There is no stopping that major heart attack that is sure to come when, god forbid, you drop your precious.

And your heart is the mirror image of the broken screen of your beloved. *sob*

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11. Spending all day in bed with it? Described heaven, didn’t I?

With a socket just next to the bed, of course.

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12. Hearing someone brag about their phone being the best awakes the sleeping dragon inside you.

“What did you just say?!”

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Absolutely smitten, aren’t you? Oh, this relationship of yours, looks like you’re a tad bit too serious about spending the days of your life with your phone, eh?

Also Read: Amusing Things You Can Relate To If You’ve Never Been In A Serious Relationship


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