13 Signals Your Body Gives You When It Needs Help And You Shouldn’t Ignore Them!


The human body is like a mirror that tells us how our body is functioning and sends signals if it needs help.It’s a perfect mechanism, where millions of processes happen simultaneously and whenever a function is impeded, it sends certain signals to us and seeks help. The problem arises when we don’t pay attention to the signals. But in order to avoid further problems, we should immediately see to it and eliminate the issue right in the beginning.

Read More: Want A Healthy Body? Here’s How You Can Get It By Eating Right For Your Body Shape

As said prevention is better than cure let’s look at the 13 signals our bodies send us when it seeks help and you mustn’t ignore them!

1.Craving for sweets

A common cause of sweet cravings is nervous exhaustion as the body needs glucose as a source of energy. To avoid problems in the gastrointestinal tract, you should consume honey or dark chocolate.

Signals Your Body Gives You When It Needs Help

2.Brittle hair and nails

This is the sign that tells that you body lack Vitamin B and Calcium. It is advised to consume more calcium- rich and vitamin B rich foods, like potatoes, legumes, wheat germ, milk and whole grains.

Signals Your Body Gives You When It Needs Help
Signals Your Body Gives You When It Needs Help

3.Craving for sour food

This is a sign that your body requires sour food in order to stimulate the gallbladder and the liver. You should consume cranberries and more lemons.

Signals Your Body Gives You When It Needs Help


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