The Most Powerful & Best Superhero Weapons From The Comical World


A number of Superheroes have their special abilities acting as their superpowers. But a few of them has to wield a weapon to show their wrath. No matter however small or big it is, the power with which it strikes the enemy is what makes it different. However, these superheroes have the caliber to kick a*ses without using these weapons, but still they use it to augment their powers. Let’s hop into some of the best superhero weapons.


1. Captain America’s Shield

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

A symbolic weapon which is not used for firing gunshots or thunder or whatever. Rather, it is used for protection against the incomings. Made from vibranium, the shield is indestructible.


2. Green Lantern’s Ring

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

This tiny ring can generate Lantern’s protective suit. Can communicate effectively with others and can create more weapons. Phew!


3. Hawkeye’s Bow

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Undoubtedly one of the best superhero weapons. This can shoot arrows which can even melt through almost anything. Or arrows which can explode, expand, spilt and what not!


4. Star Lord’s Element Gun

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Able to shoot high energy lightning blasts, high pressure water jets and generate wind vortexes, Star Lord’s element gun has even given the mighty Thanos a reason to dodge. However while in light mood, Star Lord can even use it to shoot water squirts.


5. Mjölnir

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Thor’s Hammer or the Mjölnir is the best superhero weapons not only in Marvel Universe, but also in Norse Mythology. However in the MCU, anyone able to lift the hammer could become Thor: The God of Thunder. And no one has able to lift it apart from Jane Foster, the female Thor.


6. Wolverine’s Claws

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Wolverine has his skeleton completely fused with Adamantium. The experiment gifted him claws which are retractable and indestructible. He can even retract individual claws.


7. Iron Man’s Armor

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Tony Stark built this armor out of necessity when he was held as an hostage. Ever since after that, he is constantly upgrading the suit with his genius-witty mind. He can fly around the world, kick as*es, shoot, and even communicate with others using the armor. And oh, it helps keeping him alive!


8. Batarangs

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Bruce Wayne is yet another millionaire, who masks as Batman to protect the world. He has got a cool collection of weapons but the best from the lot are the batarangs. They are like boomerangs, but are sharp and deadly.


9. Ghost Rider’s Enchanted Chain

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Part of his bike, the chain literally bends to his will. The length of this enchanted chain varies as the Ghost Rider wants it to and it bears the strength to burn even the soul of the victim.


10. Spiderman’s Web Shooters

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

Peter Parker designed web shooters that can shoot a high tensile strength fluid, capable of lifting insane amount of weights. It also helps him to swing across the buildings of Manhattan, web-up the enemies or having a hold of falling objects.


11. Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

This rope-like weapon is similar to the enchanted chain of the Ghost Rider. While it can not burn the enemy down, but it does help Wonder Woman to bind enemies into telling the truth.


12. The Infinity Gauntlet

Powerful and Best Superhero Weapons

This is surely one of the dangerous and best superhero weapons. Wielded by Thanos, the Gauntlet is said to become active only when it is given what it demands. The six Infinity Stones. Marvel has already shown five of them, and we are waiting for the sixth one to make an appearance. The Infinity Gauntlet is what Thanos will possibly use to defeat The Avengers in Avengers: Infinity War I (May 2018).


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