Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives


The internet has literally opened up the entire world for everyone. And now, you can get anything you want just by few clicks. Online portals where people can order something is gaining popularity at a great speed. But at times it so happens that you order something online and when it actually arrives, the difference between the products make you go what the fuck. The thing is, we just see pictures and can’t really examine the product and hence we get fooled easily.

Read More: Ordering Your Prom Dress Online? Don’t! These Girls Will Tell You Why.

Here are some pictures showing the difference between when you order something online and when it actually arrives!

1. Probably one of the aptest pictures showing the difference between when you order something online and when it actually arrives.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

2. This dude actually looks happy with what he got. So when you order something online and something else arrives, you can be happy as well.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

3. But he did get the golden dress he ordered online, right? And you can’t expect yourself to rock the dress like Beyonce.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

4. When the model you saw online and you wear the same thing but the difference is clearly evident

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

5. These two pictures are so true. When we order something but what arrives looks like a poor version of that, this happens.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

6. Who put these two pictures together? You really wish to order something online and that too Zayn Malik?

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

7. To be honest, this doesn’t look half as bad as other pictures on this list. You are one lucky girl to get something close to what you order online.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

8. You really expected to get a real Buzz Lightyear suit? Oh! poor you. You won’t get that when you order something online.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

9. Wait, is that a belt or some kind strap to hold things together? One epic when you order something online but what arrives has way too many differences instance.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

10. I repeat you can not order Zayn Mallik. If you do, be ready to face the difference when your product arrives.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

11. Ads can fool you. So be careful before you order something else you’ll be disappointed.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

12. This should be made into a billboard and put in the middle of the city. At least people will get aware of the difference.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

13. What else do you expect when you order an alien from the internet. At least, the one that arrives will not be creepy.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

14. When the product you ordered was for someone else but you anyway wanted it.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

15. The moment this must have arrived, people would have freaked out by the difference.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

16. Nope, after looking at this, I am never ordering teddy bears from the Internet. I mean, I can imagine the horror I’ll face the moment this arrives.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

17. This one is going to haunt me tonight. Why can’t these internet portals send the produce they show?

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

18. I have actually experienced this one. And the first thing that I did was return the product as soon as possible.

Hilarious Pictures Showing The Difference When You Order Something Online Vs When It Arrives

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