20 People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire


Karma is something no one can ever escape from. It works in its own mysterious ways, you never know what might backfire on you. But at times, while taking revenge on someone, you end up getting punished. And somewhere or the other, it is so not right. People try to do good by revenging with someone but end up getting hurt themselves. Maybe, that’s why the concept of forgiveness is often promoted. But imagine the situation where you wanted to do some good but things worked for you. I know taking revenge is a bad thing but at times, this is the only solution left.

Read More: 14 Cheaters Who Were Caught And Served A Plate Full Of Revenge

Here are stories shared by people on Whisper who sought revenge and had it backfire on them!

1. That’s karma, right on your face. And I guess, you even had to lose some bucks for a new skateboard.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

2. Nobody might have anticipated that this revenge plan will backfire this way.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

3. Wait, you sought to take revenge on one but ended up punishing everyone? Great.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

4. This is kind of cute. Sought for more such kind of revenge.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

5. Um! Karma does messes up with people at times. You sough for doing something good but things flipped.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

6. Okay, now this is one classic example of stupidity. 

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

7. People, you can take so many lessons from this one confession of revenge. 

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

8. But you did find out something about yourself, always see the positive side.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

9. A backfire of revenging on someone hasn’t been this worse, I guess.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

10. How can someone be this stupid?

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

11. Why don’t people use their brain when they sought to do such things?

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

12. At least you ended up learning something, good for you.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

13. Do not forget, karma is watching everyone and it may act it might work in ways you just cannot think. 

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

14. That must have hurt so bad, I can’t even imagine.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

15. But did that taste good? I know a friend who ended up drinking up his grandma’s toe ointment.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

16. This one backfired really bad. I guess you got your lesson.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

17. Kids and the way they sought for revenge, you can’t really say anything.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

18. Apart from the backfire part, people, you should never talk behind anyone’s back. 

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

19. Well, you actually did something bad. Your husband is right.

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire

20. How many calls did you get from craigslist?

People Who Sought Revenge And Had It Completely Backfire


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