People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot


All of us are aware of the hypocrite society we live. Things work differently for different people. When you are hot, you are easily socially acceptable. But when you are not, everyone considers you as a weirdo or aloof or someone ugly. And this is something each one of us does and faces at some time or the other. You guys know what I am talking about. Posts which reveal how someone was fat shamed or body shamed are what we come across every day. And we do is read them, criticise then forget the entire thing forever.

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16 people reveal things on Reddit that are socially acceptable only when you are hot!

1. Now, that’s one of the truest things I have ever heard. When you are ugly, you are not socially acceptable to have any kind of fantasies. 

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

2. I guess this is actually what most people face. When you are hot and handsome, your silence is treated as the sign of wiseness.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

3. I can actually vouch for this. When ugly people do weird things, they are literally seen as some kind of mentally disturbed person.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

4. There is a thin line between stalking and being romantic. Apparently, that thin is whether you are hot or not.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

5. This one takes guts to reveal and talk about. To be honest, for being socially acceptable, people try not to reveal their original self at times.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

6. This is a lesson to be learned. And a tight slap on the kind of society we live in.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

7. This probably is the relatable stuff by far. Your attractiveness is inversely proportional to your weight.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

8. I wish each one us would stop judging others based on their appearance. Why does it matter if a guy is hot or not? 

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

9. These posts actually reveal the hypocrite side of our society.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

10. This what we call double-faced. People talk how inner beauty is important yet never accept those who look slight ugly.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

11. The internet is full of articles on this particular one. I guess, your behavior depends on how you look.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

12. Children learn these things from pretty young age.This needs to be stopped.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

13. Can everyone leave food aside from all these body shaming?

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

14. When posts on social media sites reveal the truth but the reality is far different.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

15. Ahem! This is going to hurt a lot of people. Period.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot

16. You should have actually recorded the whole thing by the name socially acceptable.

People Reveal Things That Are Socially Acceptable Only If You’re Hot


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