These 60 People Never Expected To Wake Up To Something Crazy And Funny!


Within seconds things can change, imagine when you sleep at night for almost six to eight hours, what all crazy things can happen when you wake up? There are times when you pass out drunk or you’re too tired and happen to be in a deep sleep. Suddenly you wake up to find something crazy and funny, which you least expected, that shocks, amazes or surprises you. It could be your kids or your pets up to mischief, friends pulling a prank on you or nature coming knocking at your doorstep.

The crazy, funny, and shocking things only happen when they are not expected, especially when you are lost in a dreamland, away from reality. People wake up still under the sleep spell and can’t believe, what they see is real or just another dream.

also, read 15 Absolutely Crazy Things People Have Found In Their House

We have compiled 60 people’s experience who never expected to wake up to something crazy and funny.

1. On my way home I gave this guy a piece of bacon, who followed me home and next morning I wake up with him.

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2. Every morning I would wake up to this wild gal, squawking for food. Ond day I played a tune for her with my guitar and the very next week, she laid eggs on my courtyard. I have named her Greta.

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3. I wake up to some crazy blokes blasting away Aerosmith’s numbers, outside my apartment. Well, they were actually Aerosmith. So funny!

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4. I woke up to find in my courtyard all the characters from the Disney movies.

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5. One day before my best buddy’s wedding I had to undergo a surgery, when I wake up after the surgery I was surprised to see them next to me just, one hour before they said “Yes” to each other.

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6. Woke up to find these beautiful fox family playing in my backyard.

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7. I never expected to get a view of Hitchcock’s ‘Birds.’

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8. I wake up to this view every morning.

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9. My mother sends a snap of this fellow sleeping on her bed, she say’s she doesn’t know him. Crazy!

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10. We got married last night and this is what I wake up to see the next morning.

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11. I found this baby owl inside the kitchen sink when I got up this morning.

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12. I wake up at 2 in the morning to find my roommate in a deep sleep, inside a box of packing peanuts.

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13. Yesterday morning I wake up to this crazy view of two bears walking on my courtyard fence.

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14. My Uncle and Aunt own a backpackers bar in Africa. Early morning I wake up to find this visitor in the pool. 

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15. I woke up with a fright when my son woke me up this morning wearing his new mask.

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16. My girlfriend spotted this when she woke up, an assembly of snails in a circle with their leader in the center.

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17. After a nap, when I wake up I see this cat with my son, the best part is we don’t own a cat.

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18. I wake up with this cat calling on my 7th-floor balcony, no idea where it came from. This is how people get a heart attack.


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19. My wife and I wake up with this horrific picture on the baby monitor.

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20. Got up to see my herb garden disappeared.

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21. My roommates crazy laughter woke me up at 4 am, when I barged out at them, I found this.

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22. Yesterday, I had fed two ducks in my front-yard, today I wake up to find out, that they had invited some friends over.

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23. My friend’s from Canada woke up to see this in their doorway.

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24. Last night we were on a campout and my brother decided to sleep under the stars, but he woke up with these stars.

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25. I never expected my roommates had something stored for me in the bathroom. I discovered it after the worst happened.

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26. Woke up to a gala gathering of cats in my front door.

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27. It was so funny to find my girlfriend feeding a foster cat dressed as a cat at 3 am.

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28. All of us friends were so drunk last night in a small country town, the next morning we all woke up with this picture on my phone.

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29. One of the scariest Snapchat photo I received from my Boss in the middle of the night.

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30. A friend of ours happened to break his arm recently. One day when some friends spend the night over, this crazy thing happened.


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also, read GIFs That Will Make Your Hands Go Down In Your Pants

31. The basement of my friend got flooded overnight and this is the view she woke up to.

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32. I got up at 3 am to check on our daughter’s crib-cam, the view was a little alarming.

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My girlfriend and I both sleep naked and this is the shocking view we never expected to wake up to.

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34. I was wakened up with noises coming from the kitchen and I come down to see this funny activity.

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35. This was a thriller of a wake-up text from an unknown number.

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36. I’m sure my wife couldn’t shave my leg without disturbing me. Hence, I wake up to see this crazy thing in the morning.

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37. How this got into my fireplace when I woke up, I have no idea?

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38. I wake up to find my roof had puked crazy last night.

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39. When I woke up and opened my window, I never expected to see this snake climbing the wall.

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40. I woke up and found this passage turned all colorful in the morning.

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41. I had just taken down all the Halloween decorations this week and today morning I got up and saw this sign on my door glass.

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42. After a crazy party last night, this is what I get to see in the morning.

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43. I woke up to find my Stormtrooper girlfriend making me breakfast.

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44. My dad said they woke up to find their attic leaking. He sends me this snap.

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45. Woke up to a beheaded Santa Claus.

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46. My friend got up in the morning and found 336 cans of ‘cream of celery soup’ in his front door, with no clue to it.


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47. For the first time, last night I and my friends took LSD and this is what we saw in the morning.


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48. Never expected my husband to wake me in the morning with this funny text message.

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49. I never expected my brother to wake me with this swapped head photo of me and my dog. 

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50. I got up in the middle of the night to pee and when I turned the bathroom light on, I got this shock of my life.

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51. Found this hot air balloon making a safe landing in my back yard, early morning.

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52. Dozed off to sleep last night on the couch itself, woke up with a chill in my bones.

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53. My friend’s parents forgot to put off the sprinklers last night, woke up in the morning to find some freshly grown ice plants.

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54. I got up in the morning to see this on my floor and thought my end of days is near.

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55. I almost pooped in my pants, when my friends woke me up to show me their Halloween outfits.

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56. My wife runs a kindergarten class from the house, I woke up to see how green is my home.

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57. I woke up to a hell of a fire early morning.

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58. I had a blackout last night and when I woke up to go to the toilet, this is what I see.

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59. I got to see this crazy view which I never expected early morning in my courtyard.

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60. My kids woke up early before me to help me paint the basement.

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also, read Parents Share Unquestionably Chilling & Creepy Stories Their Kids Told Them



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