The People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie And The Reason Is Really Weird


The people of Egypt believe that it’s their country that’s the mother of all of all civilizations while Sudanese says that it’s theirs. There is a movie that’s being produced and it will showcase the history of Sudan to indicate that the country is the ‘mother of all civilizations’.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


Egypt and Sudan got over an argument on this. The movie is going to portray Sudan as the mother of all civilizations. Now, this claim has made the people of Egypt angry. According to them, they have a 7,000-year old history.

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The problem arises because both the nation have Pyramids in their country. Now, there’s an argument between them over whose pyramids are better, older, bigger and deserve more attention.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


According to BBC, Hollywood actress and filmmaker Angelina Jolie plans to make a movie on the history of Sudan. Leonardo DiCaprio will play the lead role and Angelina Jolie will be there too. The movie will be funded by a Qatari Production house and the Egyptians are angry with it.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


This argument started in March 2017 when Princess Sheikha Moza bint Nasser of Qatar visited the pyramids of Sudan as a United Nations Ambassador. The pictures were spread all over the web.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


Princess Sheikha Moza described Sudan as the ‘mother of all civilizations’. So now Qatar is investing $135 million for restoring the historical architecture of Sudan. And this support of Qatar to Sudan has offended Egypt!

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


Princess Sheikha Moza had a conversation with the officials of Sudan because although their pyramids are mostly in the dilapidated condition they still hold historical importance.


Reacting to the pictures of the princess in Sudan, Azmi Mujahid, Egypt’s Al-Aseema’s talk show host said, “All the world’s stars have had their pictures taken by the [Giza] Pyramid but Princess Sheikha Moza had a picture next to two cheese triangles in Sudan.”

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


According to BBC, the people of Egypt believes that if Qatar helps Sudan to build their Pyramids, it’s their tourism that going to be affected. The people of Egypt also believe that Sudanese pyramids look like “cheese triangles”.

According to reports, Sudan’s pyramids are 2,000 years older than those found in Egypt. It also has a number of Pyramids. They have 230 Pyramids while Egypt has 138. Therefore, Sudanese think that they deserve more tourists and attention.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


Both the nations have been in arguments since years over issues like the chaos in Libya which borders countries, ties with Arab Gulf states and Sudan’s links with Islamists, the Nile river water.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


The president of Sudan Omar al-Bashir accuses Egypt of “stabbing his country in the back” when it occupied their territory in the mid-1990s.

All this started when the official designer of Angelina Jolie in the movie Samar Darwish who belongs from Sudan was interviewed by the Egypt media. They clearly didn’t like the plan of Angelina Jolie to make a movie on the other country they’re already in conflict with.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie


British Ambassador also tweeted “Starring Angelina Jolie, the film on Sudan ancient civilization is now in the making.” But the tweet was deleted because it landed him into serious controversy because the people of Egypt were angry with it.

The reaction of Sudan has been sombre. They’ve also introduced #KnowSudan campaign and its Arabic translation to raise awareness about the country and its heritage.

People Of Egypt Are Angry With Angelina Jolie



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