20 People Admit Ghosting Their Friends And It’s Sad!


Friends are family, right? I mean nowadays, our friends mean to us more than our family. But sometimes this friendship can turn toxic, and to such an extent that it results in ghosting them. As scary and heartless it may sound, the reasons behind this will make you think that it was quite the right thing to do!

Here are 20 people who reveal ghosting to their friends!

1. Well, you make one best friend in your life, but if she’s toxic for you, you should probably let go.

ghosting their friends

2. So you left her because she was selfish? What did you do on your part then!

ghosting their friends

3. sometimes things do turn out for your own greater good. And it’s really important that you cut off people sometimes in order to be happy yourself!

read also: People Confess The Grossest Thing They’ve Done With Their Partners. 

ghosting their friends

4. Probably the wisest thing to do.

ghosting their friends

5. If she fooled you, how is she your best friend? She’s not even your friend!

ghosting their friends

6. Wow, nicely done “immature”.

ghosting their friends

7. That is true my friend. 

ghosting their friends

8. Friends never take advantage of each other, they help and support. Good thing you did there!

read also: People Confess Their Most Dirty Secrets And They’re Hilarious And Creepy At The Same Time.  

ghosting their friends

9. Wow, such friendship much wow. I honestly don’t think people these days know what being a friend means!

ghosting their friends

10. You should probably help her get herself back.

ghosting their friends

11. We’ve all made mistakes haven’t we? But you can always ask to be forgiven, they are your friends and they love you.

ghosting their friends

12. Why?

ghosting their friends

13. She should figure out herself.

ghosting their friends

14. That really hurts a lot.

ghosting their friends

15. A liar and a cheater. If she can play her husband like that she can play you too, honey!

ghosting their friends

16. Why’d you do it though?

ghosting their friends

17. Lying is not at all accepted in friendship.

ghosting their friends

18. Ugh, what!

ghosting their friends

19. Well, he should really respect your decisions and not nag over it!

ghosting their friends

20.  Well, it gets awkward.

ghosting their friends



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