12 People Who Have Absolutely No Control Over Their Impulse


It is true that teenagers have a good impulse control and we cant deny that. However, everything has exceptions of their own and so does this. There are many people around the world with absolutely no control over their impulse. We will be shocked by the following 12 people. Some people know how to resist their impulse but them. Well, they have no control.

1. Don’t let him sneeze.

people with no control over impulse


With such big nose just imagine if he actually sneezes in front of somebody. Wouldn’t he be scared? I would, if that was me. Now just imagine if he has no control over his impulse. Sounds horrifying, right?

2. Cuties.

people with no control over impulse


I can’t say what just happened over here because to be honest, it is confusing. Whose impulse came in action, is still unknown. Maybe both.

3. Weirdo.

people with no control over impulse


Is the mirror broken or does he actually look like a guy with a smush mouth? I hope the mirror is broken and that’s why he is looking like this. However, imagine how much of no control he has over his impulse. He just couldn’t resist taking a selfie in front of a broken mirror.

4. Hamster Potty.

people with no control over impulse


What are the first words which comes to your mind up to you here “Hamster Potty”? Sounds quite like Harry Potter and hence the tweet completes the phrase with a little “… and the Philosopher’s stone”

5. That’s so cool.

people with no control over impulse


When you are at an art gallery, taking a picture of everything becomes a part of the impulse. Now, this guy successfully tricked everybody around by just putting spectacles on the floor. And guess what, people were actually clicking pictures of it, thinking it to be abstract. This is the world where we live in.

6. The Spy who touched him.

people with no control over impulse


Can it get any funnier than what it is? I just can’t resist my laughter after seeing this. However did you notice Bond’s hand in the picture? Seems like they digitally removed the gun but put it in the logo. Priorities, right?

7. Correct.

people with no control over impulse


This is one of those great examination fails which are hilarious. After all, a metal band fan has no control over their impulse when they hear “metal”. All that comes to their mind are some great metal bands.

8. Don’t Laugh.

people with no control over impulse


This is so disrespectful that we should have been angry at it but we are laughing.

9. Can’t control.

people with no control over impulse


Why should boys have all the fun? Everybody can stalk but just see how excited that girl on a call looks. Must be telling to the other side, “Call you later. There’s a hot guy whom I have to stalk”.

10. Difference.

people with no control over impulse


The wine’s gone and the man’s gone. The perspective is what matters.

11. Bad boy on the street.

people with no control over impulse


He might not have the body which everybody else has but definitely is the bad boy which everybody else can never be. Rules are for the gentlemen. No control is for the bad boys.

12. I want one.

people with no control over impulse


Whenever we see deadly animals, it is our impulse which makes us click a picture, right? But things don’t go well every time. Better be safe, buddy.


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