Parents Share Unquestionably Chilling & Creepy Stories Their Kids Told Them


It is fun to talk to kids most of the times. However, there are certain things kids told parents that are not only creepy but also chilling. These creepy stories are so weird that you as a parent would just not understand how to react to your kid. Kids say a lot of things to their parents which they tend to ignore because most of their stories don’t make any sense. However, the creepy stories the kids told are extremely chilling and parents could not help but share them with others on social media platforms. Maybe, Kids told such creepy stories to their parents out of anxiety.

Parents Share Unquestionably Chilling & Creepy Stories Their Kids Told Them.

1.‘One night I let my then three-year-old sleep with me because my husband was gone. It was dead quiet in the house and she whispers, “I’ve got ya where I want ya and now I’m gonna eat ya.”’

parents kids told creepy stories



2. ‘While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door, she kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, “The man.” To which I replied, “What man?” She pointed at the closet and said, “The man with the snake neck.” I turned around but nothing was there. I’m afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone’s hung themselves in the closet.’

Creepy chilling kids parents



3.  ‘So I was tucking in my two-year-old. He said, “Goodbye dad.” I said, “No, we say goodnight.” He looked and me and said, “I know. But this time it’s goodbye.”‘

parents kids told creepy stories



4.  ‘When my daughter was three, she woke up one morning looking rough. I asked if she slept okay and she said, “No! Popaw Mike kept me up all night pinching my toes!” My dad, her Popaw Mike, passed away eight years before she was born and that’s how he used to wake me and my brother up when we were little.’

parents kids told creepy stories



5.  ‘When my son was young, he came and climbed into bed with us, crying. I asked him what was wrong. He said that the big fat man with a bloody hole in his head kept trying to open his window.’

parents kids told creepy stories



6.  ‘Since the age of three, my son always tells me about the “creeper man” who lives in my mom and dad’s bedroom. He brings it up after he visits them. I made the mistake once of asking what he looks like. My son said, “Oh, he doesn’t have a face.”‘

parents kids told creepy stories



7. ‘My five-year-old at the time had night terrors and would scream in her sleep. One night I said, “Mama’s here, it’s okay.” She looked right at me still asleep and screamed, “Mama? But who is that behind you?”‘

Creepy chilling kids parents



8. ‘My little brother’s imaginary friend, Roger, lived under our coffee table. Roger had a wife and nine kids. Roger and his family lived peacefully alongside us for three years. One day, my little brother announced that Roger wouldn’t be around anymore since he shot and killed himself and his whole family.’

parents kids told creepy stories



9. ‘My daughter once told me, “Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut your head off and carry it around so I can see your face whenever I want.”‘

parents kids told creepy stories



10. ‘My daughter saw me getting dry skin off my shoulder after a bad sunburn and asked if she could keep my skin flakes and put them in a jar so when I die, she can make a mommy mask to remember me always…’

parents kids told creepy stories



11. ‘My best friend Lisa died when I was pregnant with my daughter. When my daughter was three, I heard laughing. I asked, “What are you laughing at?” She said, “Auntie Lisa is making silly faces and playing with me.”’
parents kids told creepy storiesvia


12. ‘My son told me in the sweetest of voices, in a consoling tone…”Don’t worry mommy, I’ll never murder you.”‘

parents kids told creepy stories


Also read: 12 People Reveal The Funniest Thing A Kid Has Said To Them!


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