19 Parents Reveal The Meanest Things Their Kids Have Ever Told Them!


Kids say a lot of stuff, and usually they speak innocently. But there are some, who just won’t leave you alone. Don’t get me wrong, but kids ca say meanest things ever! And sometimes this shit really hurts you, maybe they didn’t mean it but they sure as hell sounded mean AF! These parents reveal some of the meanest stuffs their children have ever told them!

Here are 19 confessions parents reveal about some of the meanest things their kids have ever told them!

read also: Your Parents Will Definitely Disown You If You Pull These Pranks On Them.

1. So basically what he means is he doesn’t want to hear a word you say.

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

2. What? That’s a ton of nonsense coming out of a three-year-old who probably can’t even wipe his ass. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

3. Wow, so much for bonding with your kid. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

4. Whoa boy, you grow up and then you’ll know. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

5. Okay, he needs a good spanking. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

6. If I’d been his mom, he would’ve lost his toys for his entire childhood. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

read also: 18 Hilarious Tweets From Infuriated Parents Trying To Feed Their Picky Kids

7. Yeah, buddy, she learned from the best. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

8. Well, that’s okay, let’s see who wakes up nights when you’re sick. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

9. Hate me all you want a kid. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

10. Okay, that wasn’t mean she was cute and honest. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

11. Finally, somebody said about the dying pants. Good one kiddo!

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

12. Well, then you’re an elephant’s kid. Deal with it fam!

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

13. Okay buddy, no problem.

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

14. Hahahaha, lol, beard struggles boy. You’ll know. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

15. Well, don’t stop improving. and make her dance with you too!

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

read also: 12 Smartass Answers By Kids Which Will Make You Believe They’ll Go Far In Life

16. Children say meaningless things all the time. 

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

17. Get pregnant and then she’ll know what being pregnant looks like. -.-
parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

18. okay, I’ll love the other kid more than you how about that princess?

read also: Parents Share Unquestionably Chilling & Creepy Stories Their Kids Told Them

parents reveal the meanest things kids have ever told them

19. Kinda make sense, but that time will come later. 


read also: Kids Share Times When They Realized That Their Parents Were Cooler Than Them

Kids aren’t a bundle of joy, aren’t they? Always a bucket list of surprises. But sometimes they have the capability of turning your head a full 360 degrees. They will drive you to the farthest end of insanity only to make you look like the bad guy. And then they will pretend like nothing happened!


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