Man Who Didn’t Brush His Teeth For 20 years Shows An Extent Of Decay


As a child, we are always bombarded about the importance of a tonne of good habits. We try our best to follow most of them. Among these, the most important and the most common was brushing our teeth 2 times every day to prevent the tooth decay. Many of us pushed their parents’ hand in denial and always got angry when they used to force us to brush. But now we are glad that we listened to their advice.

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In case you still need a reminder, please brush your teeth every day.

Here is the horrifying story of a guy who hasn’t brushed his teeth in 20 years.

This is Jay. He appeared on an episode of Embarrassing bodies at the age of 21 and admitted to not have taken care of his teeth by brushing or flossing.

Brush Teeth Decay


He looks like an absolutely average good looking British guy until he opens his mouth. He said that he wasn’t just encouraged to brush his teeth every day.

Brush Teeth Decay


Brush Teeth Decay


He said that as the extent of his Tooth decay increased, he became exceedingly scared to go to a dentist which in turn worsened the situation.

Brush Teeth Decay



He also admitted having an addiction for all kinds of wrong food and fizzy drinks.

Brush Teeth Decay



Jay was then examined by a dentist, Dr. James Russell who later revealed that Jay’s teeth were covered in tartar over the years. Tartar is hardened food debris that clings to our teeth.

Brush Teeth Decay



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