15 Life Hacks Every College Student Will Appreciate


7. Prevent your pen from being stolen by placing the blue ink cartridge in the red pen



Losing pens is quite normal in college. You’re going to lose so many of them that you’ll lose track of how many you’ve lost. And with your money being extremely tight, this is something you’d want to avoid. Thankfully, there is one way you can reduce the chances of having your pen stolen, and it’s as easy as stealthily putting a blue or black ink cartridge in a red pen. Everyone knows that nobody wants a red pen, so you can leave your pen lying around and you’ll still find it in its original spot after some time has passed…unless there’s actually someone who likes to use red pens and takes it away. With the chances of that being extremely low, I think your pen is going to be just fine if you try these college life hacks.

8. Save time reading the subtitles by listening to recorded lectures in fast motion



Reading will take up a lot of your time in college, which sucks because unless you’re a bookworm, you’d really rather not have to spend that much time on a book. Fortunately, you can just record your lectures on a laptop or on a Dictaphone and play them when you’re studying. To finish studying in half the time, listen to your lectures at twice the speed, or more! It may sound like a bad idea, but trust me, it’s incredibly helpful and you will still take in all the major points. There are also sound-editing software, like Audacity, that you can use to remove background noise, especially if your lecture hall is filled with annoying sounds. With this, your reading time will be significantly cut down, and you’ll have plenty of time to do other things.

9. Get woken up successfully by your phone’s amplifies sound 



If you’re a heavy sleeper, waking up and getting up in the morning is nothing short of challenging. Even when you set up 10 alarms, you still can’t wake up on time! And this becomes a huge problem when you have to take a very important test. To make sure you wake up on time on days where it’s absolutely necessary, put your phone into a cup as this will amplify the sound. Your phone won’t be roaring, but it will be so much louder than usual. Doing this isn’t the only way to make use of this hack, however. You can also substitute this for a speaker. Instead of wasting money on phone speakers, you can just do this every time you’re having a small party in your room. Really helpful college life hacks.


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