15 Life Hacks Every College Student Will Appreciate


College is extremely fun and exciting and will teach you many important things about life. It’s also where you’ll make some of your worst mistakes, which you’ll either laugh at or be embarrassed of once you become a full-pledged adult. However, college isn’t easy. In fact, it’s one of the hardest and most stressful phases in a person’s lifetime. Students have different coping mechanisms for this, and some, unfortunately, find it too hard to keep going. The good news is that, there are plenty of life hacks that a college student can take advantage of to make college life a lot easier. From performing better in class to making good financial decisions, various college life hacks have been shared by college students to help their fellow struggling students survive college.

1. Write papers without having to pull out 20 textbooks from the library shelves



Writing a paper takes a great deal of time, especially since you’ll need to do an incredible amount of research to be able to make your point and back it up. This could mean spending whole days at the library! And nobody really wants to do that. Fortunately we have these amazing life hacks for you, you can now search the full text of countless books in Google and cite them as though you’ve actually read them in person. Just type the name of the book followed by .pdf. However, keep in mind that not all of them are available in full text, but this shouldn’t be a problem if you only need to read one or two chapters from that book. If books aren’t necessarily what you need, you might want to check out Google Scholar to explore relevant articles.

2. Make maagi and other types of food using a boiler or a coffee pot



Speaking of life hacks Maggi is a must, depending on where you live, you may not be able to make it at all without this hack: Boiler. Most dorm rooms allow a small coffee pot, and that’s more than enough to make your tasty Maggi meal. Just boil some water, put in the Mmaggi and all the other ingredients, and it should be ready in a few minutes. You may not see how brilliant this is right now, but when you’re hungry and the cafeteria’s closed, you’re going to totally appreciate it.

Of course,Maggii isn’t the only thing you can make in a coffee pot. Some people have made hot dogs, oatmeal, soft-boiled eggs, and even beer. Any food that you can easily make with just boiling water you can make in the coffee pot.

3. Build up your GPA early on 



As a freshman in college, you’d probably want to try out new things and experience what college truly is about. All those things you never did in high school you’re going to want to do in college, including drinking almost, if not everyday, and partying every weekend. And that’s pretty understandable; we’re not going to judge you for that. However, you need to remember that the beginning semesters are usually when classes are easier. You have to make sure to attend your classes (even when you’re hungover and you literally have to crawl to get to class) and study for tests, as doing these will surely help you later on in your college life. The A’s you get in the beginning semesters will help balance out the moredifficult classes in your junior and senior year. When we say life hacks, we make sure your future life is set too.


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