11 Struggles Of Keeping Your Boyfriend A Secret From Your Family


Keeping your boyfriend secret from your family is a mission and a half. Therefore, ordinary people can’t manage to keep such a relationship. You have to go through a lot to carry your relationship with your boyfriend and keep your family satisfies at the same time.

Due to a conservative standpoint, most families don’t allow their girls to have relationships before marriage. Therefore, girls have to keep their boyfriend a secret.

And when after all the struggles you go through for keeping your boyfriend, but still he manages to disappoint you with his immaturity, you just feel like dumping him. But you don’t do actually this. Because you love that jerk way too much. Right?

Anyways, check out these relatable points for all the girls who are keeping their boyfriend a secret from their family.

1. His number in your phone is inevitably saved under a girl’s name

keeping boyfriend secret


2. You have to always have a backup topic in mind when talking on the phone in case someone walks in the door

keeping boyfriend secret


3. It’s a task cooking up background stories for all your gifts you receive from him

keeping boyfriend secret


4. You have to always act tired after participating in make-believe college projects

keeping boyfriend secret


5. You get a panic attack if any of your parents pick up your phone

keeping boyfriend secret


6. All your phone fights happen in the washroom

keeping boyfriend secret



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