14 Times Internet Burned People With Solid Insults


Opening up to the world with your posts and statuses to the world in your own way is the purest thing one can come up with at times, but, sometimes it is the epic stump at your toe. Thinking about getting a comeback of flying outrage just for the different mindset we carry is very common as people with too many similar thoughts often lead the way. What if you tweet something to congratulate Trump or Modi just for the change they are making because of your set of thoughts and the entire community is there making your social life miserable just because they don’t support it. Internet burned people many times with solid insults which made them utter FML xD

Well, I have got some really amazing posts from people online where internet burned people! They were trolled, insulted and back-fired by the majorities over the internet open for the world to see. You’d see how the internet burned people with these solid insults. These backfiring replies by people on the internet are as epic as the famous stories. These can be solid ways to make you feel go low on stomach and cringe for some air as you’ll roll over in your laugh.


14 Times Internet Burned People With Solid Insults! 

1. FaaaaK! That Made Me Laugh Hard


3. OUCH! That might have hurt. One of the most solid insults 😀


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