13 Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That’s Going To Leave You Surprised


Sitcom FRIENDS will be a part of many 90’s kid’s lives and some of the hilarious scenes are still epic and legit even after the show being ended for many years. Actors who leave an impression on you (I’ll be there for you) and amuse you have some confessions to make. Let’s see what the actors of FRIENDS have to say about the show and their characters Joey, Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Phoebe and Ross are now a part of the urban legacy called FRIENDS.

Read More: The One Where The ‘FRIENDS’ Parted Ways! Curious To Know What Friends Cast Doing Now?

So here we have some honest confessions from the actors of FRIENDS that will surprise you!

1.“ To do Joey, I have to turn half my brain off. The problem is at the end of the day, I sometimes forget to switch it back on.”-Matt LeBlanc
We all know Joey is empathetic and a very good friend but can be stupid sometimes, it is not surprising Matt said this as on screen it looked like he was living as Joey.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


2.Actors feelings about Rachel- Joey thing. Matt shares that cast felt really weird about the Rachel-Joey thing.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


3.David Schwimmer thinks Ross went a bit far to return to Rachel after moving on.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


4.Matt loved playing Joey and is proud of the character.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


5.Courtney Cox loved playing Fat Monica and being crazy on the show.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


6.Perry loves Chandler as a character and confesses he is a splitting image of Mr Bing.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


7.Maggie Wheeler opens up about Janice saying she is a big-hearted and wonderful woman.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


8.Jennifer Aniston hates the haircut of Rachel.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


9.Lisa Kudrow considers Phoebe as awesome! She just has a different perspective.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


10.James Michael Tyler on Gunther as there are many cons of playing the character.


11.James Michael Tyler didn’t want to kiss Phoebe in front of her husband.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


12.Mathew Perry confesses he just wanted to make Courtney laugh all day long being the secret sauce to his hilarious performances.

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


13.Courtney Cox’s fantasy.

“My fantasy is that Joey and Chandler finally get together. Ross and Phoebe take their kids and move to the country. Rachel and Monica start dating fall in love and realize they’ve had it with men!”

Honest Confessions From The Actors Of FRIENDS That's Going To Leave You Surprised


That was some confessions from the star cast of the Sitcom FRIENDS. How You’ doing?


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